Chapter 13

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"Hey! what the hell?"

"What are you doing to us?"

"Get the hell off me!"

Clara heard various voices yelling, slightly drowned out by the loud ringing in her ears. Her body felt like it had been through hell and back 6 times over, pain flaring in almost every part of it as she tried to move. Her eyes were still plastered shut but she noticed she was lying on something, something comfortable. And something, someone was touching her. Her eyes shot open when she realized this and they focused on the face above her. Her stomach flipped when she saw the face, her mind struggling to understand how it was real,

"Brenda?" She croaked, and the girl smiled at her,

"Hey Raz."

"What the- am I dead? What's going on?"

"No, you're not dead." The girl chuckled,

"How- what- I don't understand."

"Well, that makes two of us, kid." A voice said from further away, and Clara instantly recognized it. She quickly sat up, wincing at the pain that shot through her body, before turning and looking at the man who spoke,


"Good to see you, Raz."

"I- You- How- What the fuck?" Clara finally managed to spit out and Brenda laughed at her,

"We missed you too." She said, gently pulling Clara into a hug, which she gladly returned. After a few seconds, she pulled away, glancing between the pair, questions flooding her mind,

"I- I thought you two would be dead. After you disappeared I- I didn't..." she trailed off

"Well, a few weeks after we found out what they did to you, we left. I couldn't stomach working for them anymore, and Jorge was sick of flying around and stealing kids out of their homes, so we just left. They searched for us, but we kept moving and eventually, they gave up, we found this place and decided to set up camp."

"Shit." Clara breathed, still taking in the fact that the two people she'd grown closest to in Wicked were actually alive, and right in front of her.

"Now it's my turn. How the hell did you manage to get here? And who is this group you're traveling with?" Jorge asked, sitting down on the sofa on the other side of her.

"They're the ones who were sent up in the maze with me. Didn't you read their files or anything?"

"We weren't allowed to know any details about the mazes, your mother made sure only a few people knew the specifics about it, everything we knew came from you."

"Oh. Well, anyway, they managed to escape from the maze. But I didn't quite get out, I got knocked out by a Griever and Wicked came and took me out. They took us all to some sort of facility and they gave me my memories back, the others managed to escape from it but Janson stopped me. Long story short I found a way out, we all met back up again, dealt with a load of cranks, I think I got struck by lightning, and now here we are."

"Wow." Jorge breathed, taking a sip of something in his glass.

"Hey, um, where- where are the others by the way?" She asked, looking around and realizing her friends were missing.

"About that. Listen, Raz, your friends said you're looking for the Right Arm, is that right?"


"What do you know about them?"

"Nothing, really. Thomas didn't tell us anything, he just said he heard Janson speaking about them."

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