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1 month later

"Guys! We've got it!" Clara called, frantically running into the room where the rest of the group was sitting. Thomas immediately stood up and began following her, followed closely by Frypan, Newt, Vince, and Harriet. 

Clara led them back to the room where she, Jorge, and Brenda had been working on some old radio equipment, waiting to hear any sort of communication from Wicked. She heard the familiar static of the radio as they approached Jorge, who held a single finger up to all of them, signaling for silence. The static continued from the radio for a few seconds, but a brief interruption allowed a voice to break through,

"Copy. Transmitting to base. Over."

"Holy shit." Vince breathed and everyone in the room celebrated. Newt pulled Clara into a hug as everyone else began cheering. After a few seconds, another voice broke through on the radio,

"This is base, receiving transmission. Over."

"This is the key. This is how we get them back." Clara said excitedly. "We've been listening for hours, they've been talking about the immunes, but no locations yet. We just have to wait to see where they're taking them."

"How long is that going to take?" Thomas asked, eagerly stepping forward.

"It could take anywhere from days to months," Jorge answered this time, uncertainty lacing his voice.


"Sorry hermano, this is the best we can do. They don't speak about locations frequently, if at all, it could be months before they mention where they're holding those kids."

"Well, all we can do is listen and wait," Clara said, glancing over at Newt, who nodded back at her. This was the beginning of their plan. Their plan to get Minho back, and take down Wicked once and for all.

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