Harry Osborn

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Putting some music in my earphone, I was debating with myself on which or not I was going to call Peter and decided otherwise if he still hadn't texted me would mean that he was still asleep. Sighting sightly, I started to do some homework I had to do for the next day and the next week so I could have all my weekend to do nothing.

The bell started to ring which mean I had to go to French. French, what a beautiful language but at the same time a pain in the ass to learn.

"Bonjour, tout le monde"

"Bonjour Madame Martin" we all replied

" Aujourd'hui nous allons commencer un nouveaux projet, so I'm going to explain it to you in English this time what you'll have to do for this project which of course you'll have to present in French" of course they're always some who sighed.

"If you really want to learn a language you must practice it, so I want all of you to choose a subject of you're choice, it can be a monument, a city of France or a book, a movie or a francophone singer, I want you to present it to the class for Monday it's not long, and you have the liberty to cover the subject how you want it, but I want you to answer to the next question: "Pourquoi avez vous choisi ce sujet?" it's just to be sure that you choose something that matter to you and not only some wikipedia researches.

"Tout le monde a compris la consigne?" she asked

"oui, Madame Martin" we answered

"okay, maintenant que le projet est compris par tout le monde j'ai choisi de vous montrer un exemple du cinema français, nous allons donc regarder Intouchable...." great a movie just after eating, if it isn't the universe that want me to take a nap I don't understand.


The School is now over, I made my way to my locker to take my stuff and fortunately have a chat little to MJ.

When I was about to go home, MJ was about to leave too.

"Hey MJ" I said, a little loud since she was a little ahead of me

"Hey what's up " she replied turning up to me

"What was that?"

"What was What" she replied a little confused

"oh I don't know, maybe the " Y/N probably should go alone since she was the one to bring him home yesterday"?

"What ? Are you afraid to go to his house alone?" she asked more confused

" w-what, of course not, but why would you say that?"

She sighed "Listen just see this as an opportunity to spend time with him, I know you're both too stubborn and oblivious to see anything but believe me when I said you both need some time together" she replied, and now it's me that is confused

"Okay?" I answered, but it was more a question than anything, " But you know we're practically always together like at school and everything, and why would we need to spend more time together? I added

" 1, I mean spending time just the two of you. When was the last time that you both hang out without me or Ned or even without his aunt May or Uncle Ben or even Ethan ,2 , you'll understand when you'll grow up" she said smirking

"Yeah it's been a long time since we hang out only the two of us but..." " huh huh no but, now go "she said, cutting me off

"alright see you tomorrow" I said sighing

Always you // Peter Parker x readerWhere stories live. Discover now