Money is the reason we exist

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Helen's POV

"That son of a bitch" I angrily mumbled

He has to be kidding, the audacity of this guy, steal my work and expose it even if I said to him not to do it. He has no idea of the dangerosity of these experiments if it was put in contact with human. I don't even want to imagine what could happen....

« Pick up, pick up, pick up...» I said while trying to call this idiot.

« Helen what a pleasu-« but before he could answer completely I cut him off.

« Norman Virgil Osborn» I said just to be sure he understands that he was in big trouble.

« Uhh what did I do to make you this angry that you have to used my full name that I'm sure even my son don't know» he replied a little afraid. Good.

« You know exactly what you did, first stole my work, and the worst of it you exposed it to the public even if I warned you that it was too dangerous!!! Do you have any idea if something had gone wrong ! You're lucky there is not anyone dead. » I was furious at this moment.

« Helen, Helen, Helen I knew you were dramatic in college, but I was wrong» I could see his roll eyes through the phone and this make me more angry.

« I didn't steal your work, let's just say temporarily misappropriated, but do you have any idea of how good is for Oscorp image? »

« Oh yeah because what's more important than Oscorp image, huh? Not even people security? »

« This could make us rich, Helen »

« You mean make you more rich than you already are, taking all the credit and all the money like you always do ? Does anyone even know that half of Oscorp Experiments are mine ?

« That just detail Helen, don't you want to see your kids more often, you're always complaining of how much you miss them it could be the chance to change that don't you think? »

« Don't you even dare to talk about my kids you have no idea of What it is, yes I miss them but I know they wouldn't pardon me if I choose them over the people safety and I wouldn't myself. I think it's time for me to find another job. Bye Norman I hope you'll find reasons when Oscorp will fall because of your stupidity »

« ahahah Helen you're so funny, don't forgot if you quit your job, you can't take care of your children , doesn't your daughter go to midtown, as I remember it's very expensive »

I rolled my eyes, he has no idea of what Y/N is capable of, she's a genius.

« Do you really think I would quit if I didn't have another option? »

He scoffed,« Better than Oscorp? »

« You have no idea» and before he could respond I hanged up and decides to make a call

« Helen? » The familiar voice asked

« um yeah it's me, does the offer is still up? »

« Y-yeah of course, do you want to meet up somewhere to talk about it? »

« Yes, that would be great. I'm not in New York at the moment, but I would be in Two days, I just have to finish some stuff ».

« Okay see you then »


555 words

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