S1 Ep11: "The Great Candy Caper"

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For Mr. Fryman, being the major head of Beach CityWalk Fries, his job was quite a hassle, if you think about it. Not only did he have to satisfy his own customers, but he also had two little boys to guide him. The youngest was Baby Peedee, who was not only cute, but also wanted to lend a helping hand. But the OTHER… was a 8-year-old boy named Ronaldo. Although it was quite obvious he was older, meaning more helpful and cautious, one of the things he grew fascinated in was the mysteries of science fiction, mostly due to the science fiction movies he watches all the time. In fact, when he takes a break from helping his dad, sometimes, he is on the search for clues to begin any mysterious prophecy that would come his way.

In fact, one afternoon, when he was in charge of looking after Baby Peedee in his stroller, he was given a couple of 5 dollar bills to get himself a bag of candy from the local candy store that had just arrived in Beach City as an award for his help. Luckily for him, the bags weren’t mandatory with the choosing, meaning that he was allowed to pick which ones he wanted to get for his work-money.

But since there were a lot of choices, understandably, it was hard to choose, especially when you have a lot of sweet teeth! So, he had to think very carefully about his right choices. Luckily, as he looked around, he saw other children around his age feeling happy to be in the same scenario as him!

“Hmm…” Little Ronaldo thought to himself while examining the choices he had. “What should get into my candy bag for today…”

Little did he know that something… or someONE, in this case… was also coming to that same candy store! None other than Baby Steven and his adorable clan of Baby Gems! They, too, were looking for some yummy treats to eat… except for Baby Pearl, mainly because she wasn’t too much of an eater.

“I know what I’m looking for!” Baby Amethyst smiled. “Gummy worms, here I come!”

But Little Ronaldo was too concentrated to care… until Baby Steven found him!

“Oh! Hi, Ronaldo!” Baby Steven smiled.

“Steven! What are you doing here?” Little Ronaldo gasped.

“Well… I’m just looking to see if they have any choco-bites.” Baby Steven replied. “I especially love the ones with that gooey strawberry filling!”

“They should be over there.” Little Ronaldo told him as he pointed to the section.

“Thank you!” Baby Steven smiled as he proceeded to head on to that said section.

A few minutes later, Little Ronaldo was quite triumphant with his choosings for his own candy bag! But as he proceeded to the checkout… he saw Baby Steven again with his father, Greg! But THIS time… with the Baby Gems by their side, also checking out their own sweet treats. But to Little Ronaldo, something quite shocking happened. He looked at the Baby Gems… and noticed two things.

“Different… colors…???” Little Ronaldo gasped. “And… ROCK CANDIES on their bodies?!?! Are they… STEALING this candy?!?!” 

And sure enough… he ended up screaming and running away, pushing Baby Peedee's stroller with him.

“Yo…” Baby Amethyst gasped. “What’s up with that kid?”

But meanwhile, Baby Peedee was wondering… “Whoa! Ronnie! What's the rush?!”

“We’ll talk about it when we get back!” Little Ronaldo panicked. “Just hold on to the candy bag!”

And so, he nervously did. Both of them had to go as fast as they could, so Little Ronaldo could hide from the terrifying secret that he had just found! Soon, they finally made it back home. And as they went back inside… Little Ronaldo gasped.

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