S1 Ep14: "Steven... the CAT?!?!" (A NEW Version of "Cat Fingers")

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The Baby Gems are very well known to have all sorts of different powers, which they end up using for their protection and to defend each other from whenever danger is ahead. Toddler Garnet had her future-vision, which allowed her to prepare the others for what was coming. Baby Pearl had her magical gemstone on her forehead, allowing her to store whatever important artifacts they needed to keep from their missions, with her gem also illuminating magical illusions from time to time. Now, Baby Amethyst was the one to get her powers... being the power... to become something else! This was known as shape-shifting.

On a very peaceful afternoon, Baby Steven was sitting on the couch with his father, Greg, who was reading him a book to pass the time before he had to work on washing Mayor Dewey's truck outside. Baby Steven had his cutest smile as he was happily enjoying some quality time with his dad while snuggling with him, being as sweet as he could be.

"And then, The Big Bad Wolf climbed up the chimney!" Greg read on, speaking in a dramatic voice. "And jumped down it, but not to his knowledge, he landed in a pot of boiling oil, which caused him to go back up the chimney and run away in pain, never to be heard from ever again! And the Three Little Pigs lived happily ever after! The End!"

"Whoa!" Baby Steven gasped. "That must've made him BOILING mad!"

Greg just chuckled upon hearing his son's clever little joke. "Indeed, he was! Fortunately, those pigs have a nice safe home to live in now!"

Suddenly, something quite mysterious came walking across the living room floor. It was... a very unusual lavender-colored kitten! That sight just caught Baby Steven and Greg by surprise.

"What the...?" Greg said with confusion. "Where did that cat come from?!"

"I don't remember us having another one!" Baby Steven agreed. "I thought we had just one!"

But as it turned out, it was actually... A PRANK!

"Got you guys!" Baby Amethyst giggled as she shape-shifted back into her normal self.

"Aww, Amethyst!" Baby Steven chuckled as he climbed off the couch and walked up to her.

"Uhh..." Greg said with confusion. "Pretty cool... Amethyst!"

"That's really cool!" Baby Steven smiled. "I wish I could shapeshift like you!"

"You could probably learn." Baby Amethyst said as she played with a little ball, bouncing it off her head.

"Really?" Baby Steven gasped.

"Sure!" Baby Amethyst smiled as she lifted up his little shirt. "You've got a gem like us, you know!"

"You two go ahead and do that." Greg said as he got up and started heading to the front door. "I have to go work on Mayor Dewey's truck outside."

"Okay." Baby Steven understood. "Good luck, daddy!"

"Thanks!" Greg smiled as he went off to work outside on the beach, since he was mostly doing his car wash work from home now.

As time passed by, Baby Amethyst decided to show off some of her new additions to her power, to which Baby Steven was quite amazed to see every bit of it!

"Ooh! How about this?" Baby Amethyst giggled as she ​​shapeshifted into a seal. "Arp! Arp! I'm a seal!"

Baby Steven just kept giggling. "Do more!"

"Check THIS out, then!" Baby Amethyst smiled as she shapeshifted into a wolf. "I'm a wolf! Awoooo!"

Baby Pearl just watched on nearby before Baby Amethyst decided to shapeshift into a wrestler. But then, she shapeshifted into a jay and perched on Baby Steven's head.

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