11> Progress

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Tiffany was so stressed she doesn't know what's happening to her.

OMG OMG OMG OMG what is happening to me what have I been doing, why did I do that.how can I kiss her this is bad I don't know what's happening to me I barely know the girl and last time I checked we always argue and now we're sharing a room still kill me now!!!!!!

Tiffany just decided to distract herself with unpacking some of her things then suddenly Taeyeon entered the room. Tiffany was so surprised that she accidentally throws everything she was unpacking .

"Hey Hwang you okay, you look like you saw a ghost" (I wonder what's wrong with her she's been jumpy since she woke me up in the car)

"Oh nothing you just surprised me" tiffany said shortly trying to avoid Taeyeon as much as she can. Taeyeon decided to drop the subject and unpacked her things as well.

Everybody sat in the living room. "Since we got here at the right time do you guys want to swim at the beach down there then after we swim we can just grill the barbeque since its ready in the fridge already" Taeyeon suggested.

Everybody was excited because of that idea, they all rushed to their rooms to change into their bikinis. Taeyeon was the first one to finish she didn't wear a bikini she just wore a plain white shirt and some short she was the shy type when it comes to that. One by one everybody went down with their bikinis, Taeyeon was wondering how can everyone of them look so good, now she felt more self conscious.

"Taengoo why aren't you wearing a bikini?" Sunny asked.

"You of all people should know why" Taeyeon said.

"Are you still shy as always" sunny teases Taeyeon. All the girl heard especially seohyun. Seohyun felt bad that her dad is getting teased so she remembered the excuse Taeyeon back then in the clinic.

"Sunny unnie dont tease appa anymore don't you remember appa has a SCAR on her back" seohyun stress the word scar.

" 'appa'? Scar? Wha--before she could say anything Taeyeon elbowed get stomach.

"UGHHH!!!! Ah that scar!!! " sunny glared at Taeyeon.

After that everybody suddenly looked at seohyun and asked "appa?"

"Oh didn't I tell you guys I call Taeyeon unnie appa since I wanted one as well cuz yoong has both umma and appa,I wanted an appa as well" after seohyun explained everybody bursted laughing.

"HAHAHHAHA tiffany I guess your married now tae take your wife" Yuri said laughing.

Both Taeyeon and Tiffany blushed, but it was more torture for tiffany because she's been so out of it lately because of Taeyeon now this happens.

"Look who's talking it's not like you don't have one Jessica set your husband straight" sooyoung said while laughing with hyoyeon.

Both Yuri and Jessica glared at sooyoung and Hyoyeon.

"Now now let's just have fun now" hyo said. "Wait are you all planning to go down there with just bikinis on?" Taeyeon asked.

Most of them said yes.

"NO!! change now" Taeyeon said like a dad, everybody was surprised. "do you actually think I'm going to let you go down there looking like that this villa is private and a little part of the beach but there's still guys down there, I don't approve you all are to change this very momen--" before Taeyeon can finish what she was saying sunny hit her head.

"Are you insane you want us to change has uncle been corrupting you with his strictness has he been locking you to much in the office" sunny went on and on and on reprimanding Taeyeon, taeyeon is now kneeling down because of her behavior and was pouting, the girls are just giggling in the back because of the fact that the eldest one is getting reprimanded.

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