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The canopy of the bed greeted the dour Potions Master as he woke up in the Headmaster's chambers. He had eradicated everything of Albus Dumbledore's memory in the personal quarters, but the public office remained the same as in past years. Hell, why not? Traditions had to be maintained, after all.

He had a damn headache, and knew it was from a hangover. Then he felt the bed shift as someone else was in the bed with him. "Mmm, are we gonna go for round two, Sevvy baby?"

Sevvy baby? What the fuck? Who the fuck would call him that? A ginger head popped her head up. Ginny Potter, just perfect.

"No, Mrs Potter," He drawled. "Now, get out. I do have a job to do."

Ginny pouted. "Wow, you really are a prick when sober, you know that, right?"

"Yes, well, I told you last night, and I am telling you now that I have no interest in you," He said, getting out of bed. Of course, he was naked. Alcohol and sex were one in the same for him these days.

He hunted for his boxers and put them on. She huffed, and gave him a good view of her rounded, somewhat flabby body. Why Harry Potter held any interest in her motherly body was beyond him, but apparently, he was horny enough to fuck her in his inebriated state. She dressed in her outfit from last night, and threw some money in his face.

"Gods, what the fuck Hermione sees in you, I have no idea," She snapped, grabbing her purse. "But you're a prick, Severus Snape."

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Now, get out, and go back to your dickless husband."

She cried, "Harry is more of a man than you will ever be."

"Uh huh. Spare me your sob story, Weasley," Severus snarled. "I am not interested. Now, get out."

"Fine! I'm going! I hate you."
"The feeling is mutual."

She sobbed as she left via the floo network. He laid back on his bed. His bed smelled of sex and pheromones. Gross. Well, he had meetings to attend to, and he had no interest in examining his poor ass taste when picking out a sex partner when drunk.

He cleaned his room, and cast the cleaning spell again to make sure it didn't smell like Ginny Weasley Potter. When that was done, he got ready for his day.

The meetings dragged on all day, and he conducted his personal experiments in his potions lab. He spotted Minerva McGonagall in the doorway of his lab, and cleared her throat.

He stirred in a crucial ingredient into his cauldron, and stirred it six times counter clockwise. "Yes, Minerva? Is there something you needed? Or are you here to badger me about this morning?"

She crossed to the other side of the room, and put her hands on her hips. "I cannot stop you from using the Headmaster's quarters as your personal harem, but I can tell you that you need a vacation, Severus."

"I'm fine," Severus insisted. "Now, please leave me alone, Minerva."

She did not leave, however. "Severus, it is not good for you to haunt these halls. You need a change of scenery. I already have everything taken care of, all you have to do is show up at the airport."

He scowled. Damned meddlesome Gryffindors! "Fine! I'll go. Where is this change of scenery going to be?"

Minerva McGonagall flashed him a very feline smile. "You, Headmaster, are going to be flying to Barbados. You will get to stay in one of those charming little seaside villas, and hopefully, get a tan in the process. It will be a wonderful time for you to process all that has happened to you, and how you are going to move on from there."

He hated the idea of him being around a bunch of muggles. On the other hand, he could get a lot of trim from this little venture. What was the worst that could happen? He survived the war, and being a damned deatheater, and he had nothing left to lose.

"Very well. When do I leave?"
"Tomorrow morning."

Nothing more was said of his plans, but nothing could have prepared him for the so called 'vacation,' that he was about to have, nothing at all...

The Love Lagoon: Snamione EditionWhere stories live. Discover now