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The hustle and bustle of Kings Cross Station was the same as it was when she went to school. Phareon, and his sister Diana ran, pushing their train carts laden with their school supplies, towards Platform 9 3/4.

"Di, Phar! Slow down!" The wavy haired brunette witch shouted. Phareon halted, and Diana, who was much more of a rebel than him, heeded their mother's voice then.

Diana stuck her tongue out at her older brother. "I win! You have to buy the sweets on the train now," She taunted.

Phareon rolled his obsidian eyes. "Whatever. I, for one, am more respectful of our mother's condition than you are, clearly."

Hermione scowled at her son. "Phareon, me and your father were going to surprise her."

Diana, who did, indeed, have Severus's nose, but her features, was openly surprised. "Mum, really?? You're really pregnant?!"

Hermione laughed, "Yes, dear, I am. My last check up says it will be twins, although they aren't sure of the genders yet."

Diana hugged her tight. She kept her belly down with a disillusionment charm, but underneath it, she was sporting a nice sized baby bump. She was three, almost four months along, and only Severus knew of the pregnancy.

The horn on the Hogwarts Express signaled the end of such idle talk. Diana and Phareon hugged me tight, and expressed their love. Well, Diana more than Phareon, as her son was more like Severus in his personality and temperament.

She watched as her children boarded the train, and waved to them as they found their seats on the train by the Slytherins, of course. Her daughter would be starting her first year at Hogwarts, while it was her son's second year, and he was a proud Slytherin, and the Quidditch Seeker.

She knew that Severus would keep a close eye on them, and as she watched the Hogwarts Express leave the station, she knew that everything would work out in the long run, and it always would...

The End

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