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The hurricane was horrendous, and it kept their party from embarking on the journey. This setback worried the older witch, because anything could happen to Hermione and Severus. Oh, she had no doubt that Snape would protect her, and keep her safe, but how long could they really survive wherever they were without resources?

Narcissa elected to stay behind to run things while Draco went with his father, and former Professor. After making the necessary preparations, and boarding the yacht for their journey, Draco asked for what was the hundredth time, "Exactly why do we have to sail to Barbados? Can't we just apparate there? Or use brooms? It's far more convenient than taking a damn boat."

"And where would we apparate to, son?" Lucius asked with some annoyance. "We have no idea where they are. The same with taking brooms. Do you honestly wish to ride for days at a time on a broom, not knowing where the hell you are going?"

Draco sulked, "No, but I hate sailing. There won't be any witches on this trip."

Minerva couldn't take it any more. "Honestly, Mr Malfoy! That is the most selfish, insensitive thing that you could say right now! We have to find your godfather, and my former student, you can philander all you wish after we rescue them."

Draco rolled his eyes. "Yeah, whatever. I'm going to go on the sun deck and work on my tan while you guys do whatever. Just leave me out of it."

Lucius scowled, "You still have time to stay behind with your mother."

Draco grabbed his duffel bag, and stormed off back to the shoreline. Lucius raked a hand through his long blonde hair, and gave orders that they weigh anchor. The Malfoy men waved to each other as the yacht pulled out of the harbor, and then Draco Malfoy walked away, and found a discreet place to apparate back home. Minerva was a little disturbed that the father and son did not hug each other goodbye, but she had no time to wonder about it, because soon, they were out in open ocean waters, and England.

Days fell off the calendar as they sailed. For the most part, the cruise was a nice, relaxing one, and Lucius Malfoy was diverting company. He was both sophisticated, and worldly at the same time, and despite herself, she found him amusing. She could easily see how younger witches, and some wizards, would be charmed by him. If she had been younger, she might have been taken in by his charms. But no, he was no Albus Dumbledore, and she had kept her heart on ice for everyone else but him.

A few weeks into their journey, they encountered rough seas, and even as strong a stomach as she had, the swells of the waves made her sick. When they got closer to their destination, the seas calmed to that of a lake, and as if a veil had been lifted, a single lush tropical island was revealed to them.

She didn't know why this was the island, but something deep in her gut told her that this was the island they were looking for. As the yacht pulled up, she saw a couple playing in the ocean, and they were naked.

Lucius laughed when she described the scene. "Well, don't be too shocked, they're the only two people here, why would they wear clothes, Minerva?"

She blushed. "Because...Oh my, it's just, just shameful! Gods, have they no decency?? I really did not want to see such base behavior from them."

Lucius shrugged his shoulders, grabbing his sunglasses. "I think you can handle seeing some nudity, Professor. Come on, we should go greet our wayward friends at least."

She knew that she was being silly, but she couldn't help it. She grabbed her sunglasses, and put on her widebrimmed hat. She made her way on the deck of the yacht, and Lucius was already approaching the wayward, lost couple.

The Love Lagoon: Snamione EditionWhere stories live. Discover now