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Ron was passed out, dead drunk, yet again, on the couch in the living room by the time the brunette witch arrived back from work. The flat was trashed, yet again, and as tired as she was, she really resented Ron for needing to clean up the flat yet again, because of his drinking.

She was tired, and achy from being on her feet all day running errands for Kingsley Shacklebolt, the new Minister of Magic. She had taken over Dolores Umbridge's job, and made a damned good living, but it still was not enough to keep Ron Weasley away from his destructive vices.

The place reeked of nicotine and booze, and not for the first time, did she question her wisdom of saying yes to his offer of marriage a day after the Battle of Hogwarts. After the war, she had had a ton of prospects, but no, she had to stick to her principles, and marry Ron Weasley. Hell, even Viktor Krum proposed to her at Bill and Fleur's wedding, but she had to turn him down.

Ron was snoring and drool was seeping into his ginger beard. Gross. She waved her vine wrapped wand, and made quick work of the flat, until it was as immaculate, and clean smelling as she left it this morning. The only thing she did not clean was the couch, and the homeless vagrant wizard that was her husband of two years, Ronald Weasley.

She then went into his bedroom, and packed his things immediately. She could, of course, send him to rehab again, but that would be condoning his behavior. No, she was done with him, and that was that. She would rather be alone than deal with a drug addict as a husband. When she was done packing all of his stuff in his worn out suitcase, she dropped it on his stomach.

"Ow!" Ron shouted, coming awake. "What the hell, Mione?' "

"Take your things, and get out of my flat, Ronald," Hermione said calmly. "I'm tired of being around your drunkenness and cigarettes. I was wondering if you could sign these release papers to take you into rehab."

"Fine, whatever, where's the pen?" Ron asked. Hermione furnished him with one, not telling him that they were divorce papers.

"Good. Now, take your shit, and get out," Hermione snapped. "And don't try to come back here, because unless you can't get clean, I never want to see you again."

Ron got up, and stormed over to her. "You will see me again, Hermione. I guarantee you that."

She threw a bat bogey hex in his face, and shoved him out the door with his suitcase. She locked the door, and threw up protective enchantments against him. Ron banged on the front door for a long time before he left. Hermione breathed out a sigh of relief.

She looked down at the divorce papers still clutched in her left hand. She walked to the dining room table, and smoothed out the papers, and signed the rest of the forms. The legalese was pretty straightforward that severed her marriage to Ronald Bilius Weasley. She listed the reason for the divorce as 'Irreconcilable differences, infidelity, and substance abuse.' All of these reasons were true, but she wondered if his idiotic rube family would try to contest the divorce. She thought it most likely, so she had to plan for that eventuality.

She burned the couch, and repaired the damage made to the flat. It wouldn't do for Mrs. Stevens, her landlady, to inspect her home, and find parts of it destroyed. Hermione looked around her home, and realized that she hated this place. She could afford to live anywhere, and the only reason she didn't live somewhere better was because of Ron. Well, that would change tomorrow.

She took a shower, and slept peacefully. The next morning, Hermione awoke, resolved to make a new start for herself, and the best way to achieve that was a vacation. She opened her laptop computer at work the next day, and several island packages popped up on her search engine. Then Barbados popped up, and it stood out from all the rest, because it was as far away from England as possible, and Merlin only knew that Ron would be obsessive enough to stalk her. She booked the tickets, and paid for them.

The flight left the next day, and it would be first class! What could be better, honestly? When Parvarti found out that she was going on a vacation, she was excited, and so was Ginny.

"Oh, I wish that I could go with you!" Ginny gushed, "Gods only know that I need a vacation already, and I just got married. Please tell me you will get laid often. Please, pretty please!"

Hermione laughed, "Alright, alright! Stop twisting my arm about it."

Ginny hugged her. "I'll want details, copious details about your illcit affairs. I must live vicariously through my daring single friend."

Hermione hugged her back. "No promises on that, but I do promise to have a good time learning the hula, and getting really tan."

"No kids though," Ginny teased in a false scolding tone. "You don't want to end up with one and not have a wizard help you raise him or her."

"Not even Ron?"

"Oh gods, no! I love my brother, I kind of have to on principle, Min,' but he's a shitty husband," Ginny admitted. "I am so damn happy that you finally kicked his ass to the curb. Now, you go to Barbados, stay in one of those cute little bungalows at one of the resorts, and have fun. I will take care of my idiot brother. You hear me, Mione'?"

"Yes, I hear you. Thank you, Ginny," Hermione said, happily.

They departed from the coffee shop, and they found a discreet place to disapparate to their separate destinations. She arrived at home, and ordered delivery pizza, and Netflixed and chilled until it was time for bed.

Her marriage was over, and with it, that chapter of her life was closed forever. But in the long run, she thought it was worth it, because this was the start of a whole new life for her, and nothing or no one was going to stand in her way of that, not ever again...

The Love Lagoon: Snamione EditionWhere stories live. Discover now