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She wished that they had canteens to drink out of halfway through her impromptu hike with Severus. He was not a particularly talkative person, and she didn't mind that so much, because on her travels with Harry and Ron, they never seemed to shut up. Severus Snape was a much different story. He seemed to observe much, and keep his own council.

Occasionally, he would gather a few ingredients for potions, and scowled, "I wish that I had a notebook and a pen right now. This ecosystem is a Potion Master's paradise, I have to admit. I would love to be able to write down some notes."

Hermione observed a black spiny, orchid flower, but he grabbed her hand, and said, "Don't touch it. Do you see the white speckled pattern on the tips of the petals?"

"The petals are fatal to humans."
"What is it called?"

"The Black Shadow orchid. You would brew this to cause your victim to hemorrhage from within," Severus informed her. "It only grows in tropical climates, so I'm not surprised to see it growing in this jungle."

"It's beautiful."

"Of course it is. So is a myriad of other poisons found in nature," Severus agreed. "But let's continue, shall we?"

They continued up the path that they found that led them up into a series of hills. The terrain was rugged, and she cursed her lack of cardio training, but she sat behind a desk all day at the damn Ministry, not hiking all day on safaris. Severus seemed to not be as effected by the physical activity. Just what the heck did he do in his off hours any way, when not being the Headmaster of Hogwarts? The hill became steadily more and more steep as they went along.

Severus reached the top of the hill first, and chuckled, "Don't tell me that you can't keep up with this old man, Miss Granger. I am most shocked."

Hermione put her hands on her hips, and forced air into her lungs. She had a stitch in her side, and her muscles ached something fierce.

"Fuck off, I have a desk job."

"Whatever, just get up here," Severus narrowed his eyes. "The view up here is absolutely breathtaking."

She followed him up to the summit, and looked over the island spread out before them. Flocks of birds flew into the canopy of the jungle. The ocean was breathtaking as well, and she couldn't help but be rendered speechless by the scene around them. Severus kept his hands behind his back, his posture just as straight as if he still donned his black teacher robes. She stood to his right side, and was soon lost in her thoughts.

How long would they be stranded here? Could they ever get along, really? Just when it seemed like they were about to get along, one of them would eventually antagonize the other. It was childish, and not conducive to them surviving, but old habits died hard, indeed.

"We should be looking for food," Severus said, after a long pause. "And I don't fancy doing it at night."

"You're right," Hermione agreed. "I think I could quickly get sick of eating fruit."

With great reluctance on both of their parts, they left the steep hill, and Severus noticed boar tracks, and went in that direction.

Severus held up a fist in the air, and she halted. He put a finger to his lips, and went off into the brush. 'Be careful,' She mouthed.

Severus nodded, not giving away any of his emotions. She rather resented being made to wait, but they really had no clue what the dangers of the island were, and protecting her was in his best interests for survival, nothing more; so she waited. Severus held up his wand, and made several cutting moves with it. The thick brush fell away, and he walked stealthily further up the path.

He disappeared up the path, and for what felt like hours, Hermione waited. She heard a squealing of a pig, then several of them.

"Fuck this," Hermione murmured, and followed Severus's direction up the path.

Severus was shooting off killing curses at a herd of boars. There was a boar carcass at his feet, but the other pigs didn't take it too kindly that their fellow pig was dead. A boar noticed her, and she shot off a sectemsempra at it.

"What the hell are you doing??"
"Helping you out!"

"Get over here, girl!" Severus shouted over the squealing. She made her way over to him, and they stood back to back, and killed every animal in their path...


Luckily, they escaped harm, but this loss of life was a waste. They kept three kills, and burned the rest. Using magic, they levitated their three kills back in the direction of where the lagoon was. It was fully dark by the time they, miraculously, found their way back to camp. Hermione found some fruit to go with their meal, and they helped each other cook and prepare their meal.

Severus went to fetch water from the lagoon, and brought it back in a bowl he made up using his wand. They sat next to each other around the firepit, and ate in silence. After they cleaned up and packaged their leftover food, and stored it somewhere close by, the time came to talk.

"Dare I ask why you felt the need to come after me when I told you to stay put?" Severus asked, eying her sharply.

She did not know why, to be honest, except that she would feel completely alone in the world if he were to die. "I...I'm not the type to just stand idly by while my partner is in danger," She said half-truthfully. "You looked like you were....Oh my God, you're bleeding, Severus!"

She noticed that his left thigh was bleeding profusely. She ran to her enchanted purse, and cast with her wand, "Accio Dittany."

A vial flew into her hand, and she dripped a few drops of the Essence of Dittany on the wound on his leg. Severus winced. She dropped a few more on it, and the wound closed up. She got some of the water, and washed the blood off.

Severus looked down at her, studying her. "Thank you...Hermione. But that was extremely reckless coming after me like that."

Her heart began to beat fast hearing her given name fall from his mouth; it sounded sexy for some reason.

"Aren't we a team?"
"I don't know, are we?"

"I don't see any other people around," She reasoned. "We need to survive, and we need each other to do that. It's obvious that we can't apparate out of here, and this island is unplottable, and under heavy protective enchantments. Someone, or something, is keeping us here. Until we know what is happening on this island, I would think it would behoove you as a Slytherin to keep me alive."

Severus's expression was unreadable. "Perhaps. But I'm not protecting you as a Slytherin, but because it is the right thing to do. Now, I know all about your sensibilities, I see it clearly in your mind, but you have to follow my lead in terms of your safety. We are on a deserted island, and we have no notion for how long that we will have to live together. Partners?"

Severus held out his hand, and Hermione took it. A tingle, almost like an electrical current, passed from his hand to hers when their fingers touched.

"Partners," She agreed.

"Good. Fancy a swim in the ocean?" He asked.

A smile spread across her face as she agreed to that. They didn't take their wands this time since the lagoon was so close, but they kept a close watch for anything suspicious around them. They had fun swimming together, and as the moon rose up over the horizon. Under any other circumstances, she would enjoy the romantic ambiance. But this was Severus Snape, her former Potions teacher. No, she could not indulge in her obvious attraction for the man, no matter how sexy she personally found him, it wouldn't be appropriate.

They retired for the cave that they made a home out of, and nothing was said of what was, (wasn't, it couldn't be, right?) attraction that was happening between them. But it was when the big hurricane blew through the island two months later that they both realized just what the depths of their feelings were for one another...

The Love Lagoon: Snamione EditionWhere stories live. Discover now