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Two Months Later...

They had just got finished building a beach house closer to the ocean. They didn't want it to be their permanent home by any means, but it was nice to have a home to relax by the beach, and be able to scout out any potential aircraft that flew into their airspace, so they could signal for help from the muggle authorities.

But another part of her actually savored the peace and quiet. Sure, there were dangers like wild animals roaming about, and a lot of the insects and snakes could be deadly poisonous if you didn't watch where the hell you were going. Severus also seemed to be enjoying the peace of being allowed to research to his heart's content, and to pursue artistic hobbies like sketching, painting, and sculpting pottery to be used for their kitchenware. They often butted heads in the beginning, but as their resources for acquiring things like clothing was being whittled down in favor of making bedding, or curtains, they often went without clothes a lot of the time most days.

They had both become quite tan, and the constant hunting, swimming, and rough hiking, toned both of them up. She began to fantasize about what his nimble fingers could do to her, and she couldn't help but wonder what would happen if she kissed him all of a sudden. Would he reject her? Or would they become lovers? And if they did become lovers, would it be a permanent thing? Or a fling as a result of being secluded with one other person to fulfill their carnal needs?

Severus was out at the coast fishing. They had enough of the boar, and tapir, and even some seagulls that she had recently defeathered to last about another month or two, hanging in the storage room they made in the caves behind the lagoon waterfall. She saved a lot of the feathers for quills, and they managed to be able to make a lot of things like parchment, and candles. She just finished up her period this month, so, of course, no pregnancy scares there. But it was still a pain to have to walk around with a rag loin cloth wrapped around her crotch to contain the blood from her womb. She managed her cramps with potions and teas well enough, and as a result, she discovered that she was much healthier over all.

She waved her wand, and cleaned up the cave to the immaculate state they both preferred. She was in the middle of making their bed when she heard the dull roar of thunder, and then the winds began to pick up. A feeling of dread began to form in the pit of her stomach: Severus was still out at the coast! He had told her to stay put, and she couldn't follow him, because of the enchantments he put around the camp to prevent her from going to him. 'Charging in like Gallahad,' is how he phrased it.

She went down the passage that took her to an outcropping that looked out at the sky above. The clouds were getting more and more dark. The atmosphere became electric, charged even, as the wind picked up. England didn't receive too many hurricanes, but she knew what one looked like in the sky. For the first time since the plane crash, she wished that she could use the Internet to learn just how serious a storm this one was going to be. She hoped Severus was able to come back to the safety of the cave in time, because she had no illusions that she wouldn't be able to survive for very long without him.

Palm trees blew and some began to topple over, and she retreated to the safety of the home space of the cave. She lit some candles for lighting and brought out some papaya to snack on at the dining room table. The sky rumbled above her, and as time passed, she began to worry more and more about Severus. Was he alright? Did he need her help? She had no way of knowing.

Just as she was on the verge of taking her wand, and marching out to the coast to find him, she felt the wards go off. Thank you, powers that be! Thank you! Let's hope those damn red snapper and mahi mahi were worth it! She thought with some disdain. Severus stepped into the cave, and he brought in his finds of the seafood he caught earlier in the day into the kitchen.

The Love Lagoon: Snamione EditionWhere stories live. Discover now