Setting up the stage.

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The cultural festival was a bang. A week ago they performed in front of a whole school and even managed to get the first prize. And a certain green-haired bush managed to bring a little girl her smile back.

In the last few months, all of them have gotten very close to each other due to the life-threatening experiences they shared. Some of them even started calling each other by their first names. And even though some of them might not agree they all have become a strong pack. Another good thing that happened to the group was the fact that Minata was kicked out of their class when Aizawa caught him peeping into the girls' locker room. They really felt sad for him. Despite all of his actions, they still wanted him to improve but they were unable to change the teacher's mind.  

Overall it was a good week for them all until a certain parcel arrived at their dorm. 

Everyone was present in the common room at that time so everyone's attention turned towards Izuku who brought the parcel inside.

"Hey dude what is that?" Kaminari asked.

"I don't know, but don't have a sender's address or name. It's just said for 'for Izuku, your greatest fan'," Izuku explained. 

"Ohhh it could be a love letter you know," Mina teased him causing his cheeks to heat up.

"No no, it cannot be a love later. Why would anyone send me that?" Izuku refused Mina's claim.

"Yeah, right," Jiro rolled her eyes.

"Midoriya that parcel is addressed to you so you should open it yourself," Iida said.

"I know I should open it but I am a bit skeptical since the sender didn't mention their information," Izuku said rubbing his chin.

"No Izuku you are right," Momo said while drinking her tea, "we can't be careless when it could be someone's quirk at work."

"Then why don't we call Aizawa sensei here," Tsu suggested, "with his quirk, he can cancel if this is related to quirk and if not it's always good to have an adult in a room in this kind of situation." 

"Yeah, you are right. Let me make a phone call real quick," Izuku said and contacted the Aizawa. A few minutes later with the Principal in his scarf.

"Problem children what did you do this time?" Aizawa tiredly asked.

"No, it wasn't us this time," Izuku replied and explained the situation to two adults in the room, "sorry if we are bothering you."

"No, you did the right thing. We cannot act carelessly even if the league is behind the bars," Aizawa said, "give me that parcel I will open it."

Izuku handed him the parcel and Aizawa slowly opened it while activating his quirk. And as soon as the cover was off his eyes widened in surprise. 

"What's in there sensei?" Izuku slowly asked.

"Look yourself," Aizawa said and showed them a C.D case with the title 'Verdant Emperor' with the following image on the cover,

D case with the title 'Verdant Emperor' with the following image on the cover,

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