Interlude- Broken Flames

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(Note:- This chapter has some serious manga spoilers.)

"Now that we are finished with this episode. Endeavor why don't you tell your side of the story," Nezu said bringing everyone's attention to the previous matter.

"Can you guys wait?" Shoto asked as he stood up from his seat, "I think there should be someone else present here for this," he said and left the auditorium.

"Well in that case let's take a little break," Nezu said.


Dabi was exhausted not physically but mentally. His decade-long secret has been revealed and to make it even worse it was revealed in front of the man who he hated from his entire being.

That's why he was standing in one corner of the auditorium. His tolerance level was at its lowest right now and he was sure he would snap if he heard any more Toga or Twice's bullshit.

But apparently minding his own business wasn't enough as he was still receiving those questioning looks from his brother's classmates and teachers.

That's when a green-haired boy approached him, "Hmm... hey."

"What do you want brat?" Dabi asked annoyed.

"I just wanted to apologize for what my other self did," Izuku said, "I know you must be furious right now, and trust me when I say I know how it feels. I too never wanted people to find out about my past with Kacchan or me being quirkless or One for All or..." Izuku stopped mumbling when he heard Dabi laughing.

"Yeah I get it, you are more screwed than me," slowly his laugh died down and turned into a sigh, "how can you talk so freely to us like that. We did try to kill you."

"Yeah that was quite traumatic and honestly I don't think any of us will ever forget the nightmare the training camp was," Izuku said, but something changed. Dabi noticed a different look in Izuku's eyes, "but a few days ago I fought someone. Those people were just like me or what I could have been. That made me think of a lot of things but most importantly how the world isn't completely black and white."

Izuku took a deep breath, "and it's not like I have forgiven any of you for what you put me or my friends through. I still want to punch you guys in the face but if we take a little step back from all of this and think was there a way to prevent all of this from ever happening. That's why I want to know more about the people who never got the chance that I got and see if I can help people like them in the future."

"In that case do you think I am redeemable?" Dabi asked.

"As long as you want to be," Izuku said.

"Is that so? Do you know what my master paln was?" Dabi asked to which Izuku shook his head, "I wanted to break my father's greatest creation. I wanted to kill Shoto for the longest time, as far as I could remember."

There was a bit of silence before Izuku spoke again, "Why? He didn't have anything to do with all of this."

"But for me, he did," Dabi sighed, "You know when I was a child, I was always told that I will be the man that will surpass All Might, and the silly little child that I was, accepted that without any question. I did my best to live up to my father's expectations, I kept increasing the intensity of my flames but then my body gave up, and guess what my body had resistance to the ice instead of fire." 

"After that, everything started going downhill. The more I trained with my quirk the more it damaged me but one day the flaming trashcan found out about my situation and just like that he took away my dream and identity and stopped giving attention to me. After that Fuyumi and Natsuo were born but according to that man they weren't strong enough. And then finally he got his perfect masterpiece, a boy who was born with both a strong quirk and resilient body,"

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