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Narrator: Grey

The heroes of UA were all sitting in the auditorium of UA with all of the students. For those that had provisional licenses and those that didn't have them, each and every single student was in the room with the staff.

"I guess you are going to address the fact that some students might get dragged into the war," Aizawa said as he glanced toward Nezu.

"Hmm," Nezu said while rubbing his chin, "that seems to be the case."

The reason was due to the recent events over the past week and a half. There was the Kamino incident where All Might came to an end and YagiTorhisonri was revealed.

"A man behind a symbol," Izuku absent-mindedly muttered those words.

There was the rise of the Verdant Emperor and his men. There was their declaration of war. There was a declaration from the government suspending due process for almost anyone that supported the group. The declaration of execution for Inko Midoriya. The failed execution of Inko Midoriya. The fall of the national diet building. The conquering of Osaka. The reveal of the UA traitor and his death. The conquering of Wakayama. All of these were shocking events that happened back to back within a span of a week and a half.

"Wow! That looks like the most happening week of our entire lives," Mina said.

"If this is what happening looks like then I would rather live a silent and peaceful life," Jiro grimaced while pitying her other self. 

As such, the staff felt it was needed for a school body meeting to happen and for the students to ask any questions that they wanted to ask.

"A good call on our part," Houd Dog said, "we definitely should clear some things with students before things get even more complicated than they already are."

The questions ranged from if they were safe or if they should leave UA to ensure that they weren't targeted for being associated with the school.

"That's stupid," Himiko said, "we clearly said that we are not going to target any schools during our Kamino speech."

"The same speech where we announced the war on the government," Izuku grimaced, "yeah I don't think I can blame them for feeling unsafe." 

Nezu spoke up and calmed everyone down. "Now please calm down so we can talk and hear everything. An ectoplasm clone will come around and hand amic out if your picked to ask the question but I will start with what we know so far so it might cover some information you might want to know." Nezustated and started to speak.

"I must say, you are really good at calming down the children," Hawks said, "I find dealing with children quite difficult when I am on patrol."

"Agreed," Endeavor added, "they are quite a nuisance in emergency situations."

"Can you really blame them tho? Look at your face, sometimes I wonder how you don't scare yourself when you look in the mirror," Dabi said while Shoto nodded in the background. 

(You can skip the next two paragraphs as they are recaps.)

"As it stands we know the following about the Verdant Emperor and his Verdant group. His name is Izuku Midoriya born here near here in the Shizuoka Prefecture. He was born to Inko Midoriya and Hisashi Midoriya. Nothing is really known of Hisashi Midoriya at this time since the man left the picture when Izuku Midoriya was declared quirkless at the age of four. From there and from what we can gather, Izuku Midoriya suffered relentless discrimination and physical violence at the hands of his classmates and severe neglect at the hands of teachers. The only person that showed love and care for Izuku Midoriyawas his mother Inko Midoriya. He suffered through this life for a decade before the final last day when he met All Might after a villain attack. IzukuMidoriya asked All Might if he could be a hero while being quirkless and was told no. It's our belief that this set the stage for what he did next." Nezu said and paused to take a drink of water and then started talking again.

MHA reacts to Verdant Emperor! (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now