Shooting and Running

248 7 5

June 10, 2020

The next day, Jacket and Cy were running through the city as riots were taking place throughout the city. Cy was carrying a backpack full of stolen jewels and electronics.

"Do you think this will be enough?" Jacket asked.

"This will have to do for today. Some of the rioters are beginning to loot and burn down businesses," Cy answered.

"Not to mention some of our competition could be out there doing what we're doing right now," Jacket said.

"I'll have our guys meet us a few blocks up. Then we can all get out of this motherfucker," Cy said.

Before they were about to move, they heard shouting and yelling coming from behind them. They turned around and saw a large crowd of shouting and yelling BLM protesters walking up towards them.

"We better get moving before these mindless, miserable fucks turn on us," Cy said.

Suddenly without warning, a bright light appeared in front of the protesters, catching them all off guard. The light engulfed the area in front of the crowd and when it died away, a small group of armed Neo-Nazis, along with a few Merlot Androids stood where the light had been. Upon seeing the swastikas, the BLM protesters yelled and were about ready to throw rocks, bricks, and Molotov cocktails at them. The Neo-Nazis looked at the crowd with open disgust.

"Kill all them n*****s and them n***** lovers!" a Nazi shouted.

The Neo-Nazis and white androids pointed their guns the the BLM protestors. Several of the protesters only had enough time to react in shock as the Neo-Nazis and androids began to open fire, killing several protesters. The protestors started to run away screaming in terror as the androids and Neo-Nazis chased after them. Jacket and Cy looked on in shock at what had just transpired.

"What the fuck just happened?" Jacket asked, looking stunned.

"Don't know. Don't care. Either way, this is our chance to beat it," Cy said.

Jacket and Cy quickly turned away and started to run away as the sounds of gunshots and screaming echoed throughout the streets.


Meanwhile at another part of the city, Jesse was walking through the streets to avoid the protests. He soon heard gunshots and screams in the distance. He then started to walk a little faster, not wanting to stay and get shot.

"Just another day in Chicago," Jesse said.

Before he could go any further, he heard the sound of footsteps approaching. Jesse turned around and around the corner came a terrified Teresa. She ran up to Jesse upon seeing him.

"Teresa?" Jesse asked.

"Run," Teresa said as she struggled to catch her breath.

"What's happened?" Jesse asked.

"Just run!" Teresa shouted.

She grabbed Jesse's hand and pulled him away as she started running. Jesse turns his head around to see what Teresa was running from. Stepping out of the corner was a red Merlot Android and a white Merlot Android.

"WHOA!" Jesse exclaimed in shock upon seeing the androids, and then started to run alongside Teresa.

The two androids noticed Jesse and Teresa running away and the red android proceeded to chase after them. The white Android began shooting at Jesse and Terresa. The two quickly ran around a corner, avoiding the shots from the white android. The red android followed Jesse and Teresa around the corner. Jesse and Teresa ran down the street as they ran into a large crowd of people running and screaming in terror.

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