What Is RWBY?

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Heart O' Chicago Motel

Back at the motel at night, Jesse and Jacket were sitting on their beds across from each other. They were looking down at themselves, questioning as to why they were both still alive.

"I don't understand. We both got shot and we didn't have any sort of protection, yet we're both still alive," Jesse said.

Jacket looked at his hands for a moment before reaching into his pocket and pulled out a knife. He placed the knife against his hand and with a one swift motion, cut his hand. Jesse looked on in shock at Jacket's unexpected action.

"Whoa! What the hell?! Why did-" Jesse suddenly stopped and gained a stunned expression on his face upon seeing that there was no cut on Jacket's hand.

"Look at that. That should have made me bleed, and yet I'm not," Jacket said.

"This is real crazy. What's happened to us?" Jesse asked.

"Maybe it had something to do with that weird light that lit the city up," Jacket said.

He grabbed the TV remote and turned on the television. On the screen was a news feed showing a video of several Neo-Nazis and a few Merlot Androids shooting at people.

"Four hundred and fifty-seven people were reported killed and hundreds more injured in Chicago from yesterday's worldwide attacks. Although a few of the white supremacists that aided in the attacks were killed, the rest had unfortunately gotten away," the news anchor said.

"I can't believe this has happened," Jesse said.

"I actually killed some of those angry crackers. I smashed one's head in with a bat," Jacket scoffed. "And I intend to do the same thing to Cy, when I find that son of a bitch."

"Millions of people all over the country have pointed out that the black monstrous creatures known as the Creatures of Grimm and a terrorist organization known as the White Fang from a famous internet web show titled RWBY (Ruby) have been sighted in several cities causing havoc and killing thousands of people in their wake," the news anchor reported.

The two boys watching the TV stared at the screen in confusion upon listening to this unexpected report.

"Huh?" Jesse asked.

"Are these all people high on something? Because that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard," Jacket said.

"To be fair, we were attacked by those big ass robots, the whole city lit up brighter than a Christmas tree, and that weird glow in use that saved us from getting shot today," Jesse stated.

"Good point. Also, what the fuck RWBY?" Jacket asked.

"No idea what that is," Jesse replied.

"Hold on. Let me look it up," Jacket said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out an iPhone.

Jesse turned his attention back to the television.

"And just recently today, five large land masses have appeared around the globe. One east of North America, one south of Japan, one just south of Australia, one east of Eastern Africa, and the other north of the United Kingdom," the news anchor stated.

Jesse gained a stunned look on his face upon listening to the news and looking at the screen which displayed a map of the world merged with Remnant's continents.

"New land masses?" Jesse asked.

"I found something," Jacket said, looking onto his phone.

"What is it?" Jesse asked.

"RWBY is an American anime styled web show created by Rooster Teeth that's about Four Teenage girls forming Team RWBY and train to fight crime and monsters known as the Grimm, while the world of Remnant remains on the brink of an all out war," Jacket explained.

"That's crazy," Jesse said.

"Before this surprising turn of events occurred, the city of Knoxville had been turned into a warzone and after some time, the people that orchestrated the worldwide attacks were mostly captured. Although some have managed to escape, authorities are now on a nationwide manhunt for the escaping terrorists," the news anchor said.

"I don't even know how much more of this I can take," Jesse said.

"I think I've found something about our... condition," Jacket said.

"What?" Jesse asked.

"We have something called aura," Jacket answered.

"Aura? What's that?" Jesse asked.

"According to this, it is the manifestation of one's soul and can be used for a wide range of abilities. The specific abilities and their strengths differ from individual to individual and are dependent on a number of factors, such as experience, training and innate skill. It is predominantly used for protection from harm. Some people develop an active power called a Semblance," Jacket explained

"So it acts like some sort of shield. But what's a Semblance?" Jesse asked.

"It is developed from a person's Aura and typically helps in battle against Grimm. Semblances are different between people and can range from super strength, manipulating objects to disorienting opponents," Jacket explained.

"So it's like having some sort of superpower?" Jesse asked.

"I guess so," Jacket shrugged.

"Can I see that?" Jesse asked.

Jacket hands out his phone to Jesse as he takes it and reads over it.

"I could get used to this. I've never felt so powerful. I feel like I can tear this city apart with my bare hands," Jacket said, looking down at his hands.

"Hold on there. You need to listen to this first," Jesse said, looking into Jacket's iPhone. "An extreme use of aura, whether for offensive purposes, such as using a Semblance, or defensive purposes, like absorbing blows will eventually cause a person's aura to decay to the point where they are left weakened or even incapacitated from exhaustion. When an Aura is completely depleted, it is visually represented as a colored sheen running through the body of the individual or with glowing particles flying off the body, indicating that they can now be mortally injured. In the case of individuals with Semblances, they will be unable to access their abilities. Some Semblances are so powerful that using them will quickly drain their Aura."

"What?" Jacket asked in confusion.

"It means, if our aura takes too much of a pounding without giving it a break, it will be gone and we'll be left vulnerable until it recharges," Jesse answered.

"Damn," Jacket said.

"Maybe we should put going after Cy on hold for right now," Jesse said.

"What?! Why?!" Jacket asked.

"As much as I want to, for now, that will have to wait. We need to get a better understanding of our aura first before we go all willy-nilly so we don't get ourselves killed," Jesse said.

"Fine. You have a point," Jacket sighed in frustration. "Do you know how to use a gun?"

"No," Jesse answered.

"Then tomorrow, I'm teaching you how to use one," Jacket said.

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