Surprising Beginnings

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Police Station

Inside the city's police station, Jacket and Jesse were locked inside two separate cells that were next to each other. The two boys were silently sitting on their beds for a long time until Jacket broke the silence.

"So what the hell was all that back there about me supposedly running someone over?" Jacket asked.

"You should know after all," Jesse coldly answered.

"And what makes you think it was me?" Jacket asked.

"You were driving the exact same car that ran her over," Jesse answered.

"Just because I was driving that car, doesn't mean that I was the one who ran over your friend," Jacket retorted.

"Yeah, I'm sure you didn't," Jesse sarcastically said.

"Okay. Question; when did your friend get run over?" Jacket asked.

"During the attacks," Jesse answered.

"Look, I wasn't the one who was driving the car at the time. My friend... or my ex friend, Cy was the one who was driving at the time. So he was the one who must have rammed her with the car," Jacket said.

"Sounds like you have had one hell of a day," Jesse said.

"You don't know the half of it," Jacket said.

"I'm Jesse," Jesse introduced himself.

"Call me Jacket," Jacket introduced himself in response.

"I'm sorry I lashed out at you back at the gas station," Jesse said.

"It's cool. You're not the only one who is upset with my ex-homie," Jacket said.

"What happened?" Jesse asked.

"That motherfucker first left me behind to die to those Nazi fucks, then takes my girl while I find out she had been cheating on me with him and a bunch of other dudes, and finally, Cy had his guys try to shoot at me! After all we've been through together, this is how he repays me? I swear when I get out of here, that n**** and my bitch whore ex girlfriend are fucked!" Jacket explained.

"Sounds like a real asshole," Jesse said.

"He is. When I find him, I'm gonna bash his skull in," Jacket said.

"Got room for one more?" Jesse asked.

Jacket was a little surprised to hear Jesse's question. After a couple moments of thought, he gave his answer.

"Sure. But there are some things you gotta know. But before I tell you, we've gotta get out of here first," Jacket said.

"And how are we gonna do that?" Jesse asked.

Suddenly, they both heard an explosion coming from outside. A police officer with a panicked look on his face was running down the hallway. Another explosion shook the building, causing the officer to hit his head against the wall, and fall to the floor unconscious in front of Jesse's cell door. Jesse noticed a set of keys on the police officer's belt. He stared at the keys for a moment before he approached the cell door.

Jesse knelt down and struck her arm out through the bars of the cell door. He reached his arm over to the police officer and grabbed the keys from the officer's belt. With the keys in his hand, Jesse retracts his arm and stands up. After going through a few keys, Jesse finally unlocks the cell door and opens it. He steps out of his cell and steps towards Jacket's cell. After going through a couple more keys, Jesse unlocks the cell door and opens it. Jacket then walks out of his cell.

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