Bloody Mary

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Jesse and Jacket peer over the car they were hiding behind and stare straight at the Latin Kings who were all pointing their guns at them.

"Señor Jacket, Bloody Mary wants to see you!" one of the Latin King gangsters said.

"Bloody Mary?" Jesse asked.

"Sofía Valentina. Goes by the nickname, Bloody Mary. Mainly due to the way she... deals with her victims. She's one of the Latin King's ring leaders," Jacket answered. "She must want us for something if she's taking us alive."

"But what for?" Jesse asked.

"No idea," Jacket said.

"And we may not have an option, but surrender," Jesse said.

"Are you nuts?" Jacket asked.

"Do you have any other suggestions?" Jesse asked.

Jacket glared at Jesse not speaking a word.

"Didn't think so," Jesse said.

Jacket sighed in frustration before turning his attention towards the Latin Kings.

"What do you nut jobs want?!" he called out.

"Like we said, Bloody Mary wants to see you!" one of the Latin King gangsters answered.

"Just get into your car and follow us," another gang member said.

Jesse and Jacket slowly stepped out from behind the car and slowly made their way to the Mustang, while the Latin Kings stepped into their cars as they still had their guns pointed at the two boys. Once everyone was in their cars, They all drove down the street with Jacket and Jesse in the middle.


Unknown House

Later at sunset, everyone drove up through a rundown neighborhood. Jacket parks the Mustang in front of a worn down, two story home. Jesse and Jacket stepped out of the car looking at the home in front of them. Two men stood on each side of the front door.

"She's waiting inside," one of the two men said, gesturing his hand at the door.

Jacket and Jesse walked up to the porch and stepped up to the front door. One of the two men opens the door as Jacket and Jesse step inside the house. The two boys stepped inside the living room and then saw a woman sitting on a recliner.

The woman wore a pair of gray sneakers, a pair of dark blue jeans, a black crop top, and a red bandana around her neck. Her skin is brown, her eyes are brown, has a piercing on the side of her nose, and long black hair.

 Her skin is brown, her eyes are brown, has a piercing on the side of her nose, and long black hair

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The woman looked towards Jacket and Jesse.

"Good. You're here," the woman said.

"I'm guessing you're that Blood Mary chick everyone's been talking about?" Jesse asked.

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