Chapter 18

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''I have to go.'' 

Before he can say anything, I walk to his living room and grab my stuff. 

''Wait Thalia, she what? How? Why?'' 

''She found out.'' I say. 

''She found out what?'' He says, walking behind me. 

I turn around and yell, ''That I have been seeing you for the past one and a half year!'' 

He looks shocked, ''what? Why is that bad?'' 

I look at him and calmly say, ''you were my fucking teacher, Scott.'' 

''I know but.. I'm not now. Where are you going?''

''Where do you think I'm going!? Home! I have to fix this and I can't see you anymore.'' I open his front door. 

''Thalia! You don't have to do this.'' He grabs my wrist. 

''If I don't fix this, my mom will drop me out of college. I can't let that happen.'' 


''Scott, let me go.'' 

He looks sad, I want to hug him. 

He lets me go and I slam his door. 


''Mom please! Please hear me out.'' I walk after her into the kitchen where Charlie is sitting at the dinner table in his pjs. 

''No, you are no daughter of mine.'' 



''Flora, sit down for a second.'' Says Charlie, standing up from the table. 

My mom looks at me, disgusted, ''fine.'' 

She sits down at the table and I sit down next to her, Charlie sits down across from my mother. Why does he have to be here?

''You disgust me Thalia. How could you do this?'' A great way to start this conversation. 

''I fell in love, mom.'' I say quietly. 

''With your teacher?'' She looks at me. 

I shrug, I want to apologize but I don't. 

''How did you even find out?'' I say.

''This blonde girl came to our door and told me, told us.'' 

''A blonde girl?'' I think for a second, Vivian is a brunette and Samantha is ginger, like me and they didn't know. 


''That's.. That's his ex. She's obsessed with him. This is her revenge.''

''Jesus Christ Thalia.'' 

Charlie has his hand on her hand and he says, ''what you did Thalia, you should be ashamed of yourself.'' 

I look at him, ''what gives you the right to say anything about this? You are not my fucking father!'' I yell at him. 

''Thalia! Language!'' My mom yells. 

I look at my mom and tears start to fill my eyes, ''I know you want me to apologize but I'm not apologizing for falling in love with a totally respectable, sweet and honest man. Yes he may be 7 years older and yes he was my teacher but I was 18 when I met him and I don't regret any of it.'' 

My mom starts crying, ''you had sex with him Thalia.'' 


''You know that we don't have sex before marriage!'' She yells. 

''I am not religious like you, mother.'' I say. 

A hot pain on my cheek, she slapped me. 

''Mom!'' I yell. 

''Flora!'' Charlie yells. 

My mother looks shocked by her own action. 

I stand up, ''you know what? You don't want me as a daughter? I don't want you as a mother.'' 

I walk towards the staircase. 

''You walk out of this house right now, and you're cut off. That means no more college, no more money, no more roof over your head, you're done.'' 

I slowly turn around and the woman who raised me is standing there, puffy eyes and her fists are clenched, Charlie's hand resting on her shoulder. 

''Fine! I hated it there anyway.''

My heart breaks and I run up the stairs. 

''You're disgusting Thalia.'' I hear Charlie yell. 

''And I hate you!'' I yell back, through my tears. 

''Thalia?'' A small, delicate voice behind me calling my name. 

I turn around and Felix is standing at his bedroom door, he woke up.  

''Hey bud.'' I walk over to him, ''you're not gonna see me for a while. Flora and your dad will explain.'' 

''Where are you going?'' He asks. 

''I'm going to travel.'' I try to smile. 

''Can I come with you?'' 

My heart breaks again and I can't stop a tear from rolling down my cheek. 

''No, you can't baby, you have to stay here and finish school. I'll come back for you and.. you can come with me then, okay?'' 

He smiles at me and before I know it, his thin arms are around my neck. 

''I'm going to miss you buddy.'' I say. 

I pick him up and put him back into his bed, this room used to be my room, the walls are dark blue and there are glow in the dark stars on his ceiling. 

''Goodnight Felix.'' 

His eyes fall shut, ''goodnight big sister.'' 

I smile, I've only known him for a week but this boy is officially the love of my life. 

I close his door and I start crying, hard. 

''Get your disgusting infected body out of my house Thalia!'' I hear the woman who used to be my mother yell from down stairs. 

''Shut the fuck up! Felix is asleep!'' I yell back. 


I run up to my room and I pack my suitcase within 5 minutes. 

I put on my shoes and before I leave, I take one quick glance at my mother, she's sitting at the dining table, talking to Charlie.

 I slam the door behind me, leaving my childhood home behind, what could possibly be forever. 

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