Chapter 19

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It's been 2,5 hours since she walked out of that front door, it started raining and storming about an hour after she left.

I pace up and down my living room, hoping she's okay.

One knock on my front door is all it takes for me to sprint to it and open it.

She's soaking wet and her face is covered in blood and her eye is a deep, dark purple.

''Thalia?'' I say her name so silent that even I can barely hear myself.

''Scott. I..'' She takes a step into my appartment with her suitcase in her right hand, I close the door after her.

''Are you okay? What the fuck happend?'' I ask her, taking her suitcase from her and leading her to my couch.

She sits down and I kneel down in front of her, she's crying.

I stand up and run to my bathroom to get her a wet cloth.

I wipe her face, wipe the blood away.

''Can I take a shower?'' She asks, looking into my eyes.

''Yes, yes of course. Do you want me to go with you?'' I ask her.

She nods.

I help her undress and get into the shower.

The hot water falls onto her face, onto my shoulders.

I kiss the side of her head while washing her hair and body.

The water that falls onto the ground is a slight pink, the blood on her face, washing down my drain.

She slowly turns around and she rests her head on my chest, putting her arms around my waist.

I lean my chin on her head and stroking her hair.

''Scott?'' She looks up.

''Yeah?'' I look down and cup her face.

''I love you.'' She mouths.

I smile. ''I love you too.''

About 15 minutes later she's sitting on my couch, in one of my dark blue t-shirts, her hair is wet and her eye is still the same dark purple.

I'm wearing a white t-shirt with my grey sweatpants.

I bring her a cup of tea and I sit down next to her, ''do you want to tell me what happend?'' I ask, slowly.

She nods and she turns to me, ''to make a long story short, my mother kicked me out of the house, her and my step father hate me, she dropped me out of college and my dad is absolutely disgusted by me.''

She smiles at me through her tears.

''Did you see your dad?'' I ask her, grabbing her hand in mine.

''Yeah.'' She wipes a tear of her cheek, ''I thought, maybe he would still want me but instead he kicked the fucking shit out of me and kept yelling that he was ashamed to call me his daughter.''

She starts crying and all I can see is her dad hitting and kicking her.

I decide to lay flat on my couch, I pull her on me and she rests her head on my chest.

I stroke her hair, ''don't worry love. I'm here for you. You can stay here.''

''What am I gonna do?'' She asks softly.

''I don't know baby but, we'll figure it out.''

Within 10 minutes we are both fast asleep.

Police sirens in the distance.

Wait, not in the distance, in front of my building.

In front of my door.

''Thalia.'' I shake her awake.


Loud knocking on my front door.


She's up.

''Fuck! No. I'm not here.'' She yells and she runs to my bedroom and locks the door.

''What the fuck?''

I open my front door, 2 police officers, one man and one woman, ''good evening, can I help you?''

''Is Thalia Jacobs here?'' The woman asks, ''we just want to ask her a few questions.''

I look behind me, where my bedroom door is, down the hall.

2 choices, I lie and risk my own life or tell the truth.

''Yes. Come in.'' I say, letting the two officers inside.

They take a seat in my living room while I knock on my bedroom door, ''Thalia. It's me.''

She opens it, completely terrified.

''Are they gone?'' She asks, shaking.

''No. They're in my living room, waiting for you.''

''Scott, you should have said-''

''What is going on Thalia?'' I ask her.

She looks me in my eye and without saying anything, she opens the door and walks past me, towards my living room.

''Thalia.'' I grab her wrist.

''Don't worry Scott. Promise me that whatever happens, you will still look at me the same.'' She says.

''I.. I promise.''

She gives me a long kiss before letting me go and walking to my living room.

''Good evening officers, can I help you?'' I hear her say.

''Put your hands around your back Miss Jacobs. We're taking you to the police station. You're a suspect for the murder of Julia Violet Clarke. You have the right to remain silent....'' 

They're putting my girl in handcuffs. 

''Wait!'' I yell out.

Thalia looks at me, terrified.

The male officer stops speaking. 

''She isn't wearing any pants dude.'' I say.

The female officer steps in, ''go get her some pants then.'' 

I walk to my bedroom and find her my favorite pair of grey sweatpants. 

I help her step into them while the male officer still holds her arms behind her back. 

I give her a kiss, ''everything is going to be fine baby. I'll come see you as soon as I can.'' 

Tears roll down her cheek as she nods. 

''She'll be fine, we are just taking her in for questioning, we never talked to her when Miss Clarke went missing.'' The female officer tells me when the male officer and Thalia has left my appartment.

She closes my door and I can't realize what the fuck just happend. 

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