The tunnels- Maia

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After monsters, a spooky hooded figure, Emerson's death and dungeons the whole thing seemed too horrible too be true but no matter how hard we tried we always ended up in this bad nightmare.

The tunnels twisted into dead ends and extra corridors, puddles of water emerged from the shadows and we kept ending up at the same place over and over again. The tunnels were dense and the roof was low, I didn't bump my head but I knew that by Alicia's complaints when she just hit her head on the sloping roof, vicious rats with sharp claws and red eyes crawled across my feet. We all had to follow in single file and as I insisted to bring Emerson with us I was at the back. But suddenly Aleisha stopped, I was wondering why when a disturbing noise came from close behind us.

"Where did they go?" Complained a husky voice.

"Over here there's a tunnel." Replied another man.

"Well get them!"

Obeying the rule, the tunnel was filled with so much noise from the men's effort to squeeze into a tiny tunnel. the girls pursuers were now in the tunnel. Running fast, Guns in their hands, and out to kill. Aleisha started sprinting, the light shone on her worried face and from this distance she looked like a fast runaway.

[why are you glaring at me Aleisha that was a generous comment],

the other girls ran after her. But you wouldn't say I was faster then the men in the tunnels and as I was dragging Emerson I was even slower. I started running, my friends already 70m in front, I tried to sprint but my legs couldn't carry me and Emerson. I stumbled and fell. The men were almost beside me and my friends had disappeared into the shadows. I tried to get up but instead I started rolling down a slope. I banged into a wall that seemed to set off a trigger and before I knew it I was in a secret room, lit up with candles. In the corner was millions of tubes filled with blue liquid. Laid on a desk was a war style plan with a picture of the monster we faced earlier. But the thing that caught my eye was a drawing of me and my friends we each held an element in our hands or a shape shifting power and I was holding the element of wind. But before I understood what it meant shadows started forming on the walls and voices whispered in the darkness. The men didn't follow me but I knew I was defiantly not alone.

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