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For everyone a good winter morning began....wait for everyone? Not really everyone...

It was not the start of a good day for this author. His day had already started 6 hour earlier, but above all its weren't a good day.

He had only 2 months to write a story created from scratch, which was not normally a challenge for him...but for the first time in 2 days seemed to him like the most difficult thing to do in the world

Indeed, the author named "The Narrator" had what we called "the blank page syndrome." But what make it worse was that he was having this trouble for the first time in his career.

So...he didn't know what to do. He was stuck and couldn't do anything about it, he want to write, but everything he wrote was bad in his taste.

When he thinks he finally finds an idea...that was the moment where the ringtone of his phone rang...and He recognized the ringtone directly. That was the one of his worst enemy. His sister.

He answers (not without a sigh of disgust)

HENRY.》He jumped form his sit! He had forgotten that he had rise the volumes
..but what make him really jump was the hearing of his name, which he did not like it.《Curaline. How many times have I told you not to call me H-yes yes well.I think "The Narrator" forgot the important meetings with his sister.

Oh no. He had really forgotten again.

A few hours later...he was running in the street, in the middle of winter with a suit, a coat and a long yellow scarf.
Curaline just sigh and says

Look who finally shows his himself after 1 good half hour.》 The Narrator rolled his eyes 《Sorry Curaline I was worki-yes yes...your "work". Good because of your "Work" Lexproso is closed.
He started to open his mouth but she firmly positioned her hand in front of his mouth so he wouldn't say a word.
there is a new CoffeeShop who opened at 427 place of Parable. So we will go see. But I warn you, i'm not enter this shop. You do the orders on your own.
He was pissed off but he was in the wrong here...(he indeed had forgotten the appointment for the 2nd time) So, he accepted but not without a long sigh

They finally arrived infront of a fairly small store and Narrator was literally pushed toward the door.
He enter
A young man turned around and the wave at him
Our favorite author approached this man
So uh can I know what coffee type you have...please? uh...
He look at the name that was pin on the barista's uniform

The man whose name was possibly Stanley brought a cardboard with all the coffees name and bonus cakes they had

Thank you very much...

He look and noticed a intriguing name

Why this one is just called "Bucket" and doesn't have the ingredients listed?

Stanley scratched his head he was going to get another paper...but The Narrator chuckled and smiling

You're not a big chatter, am I wrong?

Stanley give a embarrassed smiles before miming the fact that he was mute

Narrator gave a small sympathetic smile.

Don't worry, I learned sign language for one of my characters. I can understand you if you use it

Stanley showed an expression of joy and surprise before giving a smile to The Narrator and began to explain in sign language what the "bucket" was.

Wow really? It reminds me of that one potion I wrote in my story...

The Narrator start in a mini monologue that stanley listened with joy.
...and it...oh sorry I got a little carried away. I'll have a black coffee and...a Bucket

Stanley respond {It's coming right away!}
But before he started his preparation he turned to the author who was leaning against the bar and he said to him in sign laguage

{Sir...can you continue your story please? It really interested me... well if you want it}

The Narrator was surprised, this was the first time someone asked him to talk more about his story but above all to agree to listen to his monologue... he gladly accepted, which made Stanley smile

And it's like that, under a monologue from The Narrator, that Stanley made his order and when he was finished he thanks him for his patience and also for the magnificent story he had just told

The Narrator paid Stanley and thank him too

Before leaving Stanley just wave a {See you next time!}

The Narrator did a yes with his head before going outside in the cold winter.

He was getting an angry monologue from Curaline but he tasted the coffee...which was the best he's ever tasted.

He was sure he would come back to this shop for the coffee....but also for the cute barista.

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