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For everyone a good winter morning ended....wait for everyone? Not really everyone...

Our favorite writer was racing against time and had only just arrived at the airport.

tap tap tap

He ran through his big airport relentlessly searching for the brown hair of his beloved

tap tap tap

He had this void in his stomach "what if he was already gone?" "what if it was already too late?"

tap tap tap

But yet he continues to search...

because deep inside him, there was this hope that keep him serching.

tap tap t-

And this hope had done well to exist because in the distance he saw him with suitcase in hand, a checkered shirt and purplish gray pants

As soon as he saw him, he started to ran again

And from that moment It's like there's no one around them anymore

Just him and Stanley


He finally got to his level and grabbed his arm.

But Stanley didn't turn around

Oh Stanley I'm so glad to see you!

But Stanley didn't answer him

Didn't look at him

He was give him the silence treatment.

And Narry deserved it, he knew that.


He had no time to finish his name that stanley freed himself from his grip and continued to move forward...

"No...no no no" thought the helpless writer, he couldn't let him go, he HAD to tell him


he couldn't run after him, not because of tiredness
Nor of the no-existent crowd in his eyes

But because of a fear, a fear that left his feet sticking to the floors.


He felt tears rising, his throat was knotted but he continued to scream if he could before it was too late.

tap tap tap

Stanley...let's talk...

tap tap tap


tap tap tap


tap tap tap

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