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Narry was lying on his bed staring at the ceiling

It was Wednesday, Stanley wasn't working and he didn't want to work, 1 month had passed, he only had 2 month left to finish his book.

And yet our Narrator was currently focused on something else

His feelings for Stanley.

His feelings had started towards the end of the month

He realized it when he was starting to be much too happy to go see stanley, to smile like a teenager when he received messages from him and finally, the real reason that made him realize it was feelings, Are the butterflies in the stomach every time their eyes met.

Just thinking about it turned his face red and make him put his hands on his eyes

Arrrgggggg....NO WHY HIM! I can't have feelings for STANLEY! he is already....in a relationship...

his heart sank when he thought of Mariella

This woman had done nothing to him and yet how jealous he was of her

He couldn't look at her without knowing that she was dating the man he wanted to be with.

He got up, to put water on his face and looked at his mirror

Pull yourself together Narrator! He may not even be attracted to men... and... also... ESPECIALLY! Stanley is your friend. And nothing. Else.

He looked away when he heard his phone

He ran to look at the notifications hoping it was a message from stanley...And just at the view of the name, all the butterflies in his stomach begin to dance, and his heart beats in his chest.

The message was just a photo of a green plant with the writing "Maybe it can inspire you? ;)" he smiled until he replied to the message with a "thank you stanley. Yes that will help me a lot."

Then after sending the message... he realized that he had to do something.

He went to Googole and search: How do I stop crushing on someone?
And he really didn't like the answer.

"distance yourself"

Here is the answer

"distance yourself from them"

He thinks about it for a moment

He knew it was going to be difficult but its was for his good....well...it was mostly for the good of the couple of stanley.

So he was going to do it.

tap tap tap

The next day Stanley was at his post and he was switching between the door, the clock and his telephone.

But where is Narry? It was the only thing he thought, the other customers didn't interest him, he only wanted to see his favorite customer. But the hours passed and the Narrator never came to get his usual coffee.

Stanley was worried and as soon as his work was finished he almost threw himself on his phone to send a message to Narry

"You didn't come today? Are you okay?" He typed "I miss you..." before quickly erasing it and sending his messages without it.

He was waiting, every second turns into minutes and every minute turns into hours. His anxieties turned into fear

What if something happened to him? What if he was...


His heart skipped a beat, he quickly looked at the notifications and a sigh of relief escaped of his month when he see his name.

It was him, finally he had answered, he smiled while reading the answer...before losing it when he finish it "sorry stanley, I was very busy today. But everything is fine, thank you. I'm not sure that i can get come this week. I'm going to spend a some days at my sister's house."

Why was he so sad to know he couldn't see him, stanley bit his lip nervously...after all Narry is just a friend, a close friend...but a friend.

Then he thinks, maybe for him, Narry was more than a friend...but...a best friend.

Narrator was the first person he felt comfortable chatting for hours without being ashamed or embarrassed by his vocal disability. They were best friends and he didn't want to lose him.

He put back his finger on the keyboard of his phone and replied "Okay! Enjoy! And be careful, I don't want to lose my best friend!"

And the narrator's answer was really fast.

"OK." Wow...his message was cold? Like, Narry's messages were always cold but this one seem a little more?

Stanley reread this simple word twice before concluding that it was just his imagination and put it in his phone in his pocket and leaving to change himself

During this, the Narrator bite his lips,he was holding himself from crying and its hurt. He knew it would have been impossible between them, but even knowing that, taking the truth in the face hurt...

He knock at a door, before a woman he know opened it.

Yes? Hein Henry?

Hi Curaline...can I come in?

Eurg. What are you doing here? Your not supposed to be...work...ing? euh..Henry are you...crying?

He couldn't hold back any longer and threw himself into his sister's arm, who accepted him.

Come inside, I'll make you some coffee and if you want you can tell me what happen...

He nodded and She walk him inside...and when he sat down on the couch, in this house, a thought crossed his mind.

Cupid is so cruel.

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