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Curaline sits next to our dear Narrator who still has his head in his hand

She puts a cup of hot coffee by his side before looking at him, crossing her arms

So you want to tell me what's going on or would you rather go see another therapist who will ask you money?

He looks at his sister with a little laugh

I think I prefer talking to Madame Voice, my favorite therapist!

Yeah I prefer that!

She smiled victoriously before taking a sip of her coffee.

Tell me everything

Well...it all started with a sleepless night...

And he began to tell the whole story to his sister, despite appearances it's two of them like each other, well, at least they tolerate each other, they are always there for the other one.

And so Curaline listens carefully to her little brother's heartache.

On the side of the unknowing heartbreaker, time passed so slowly, he continued to mope, 1 whole week WITHOUT NARRY!? How was he going to do that?! He was going to be SO bored!

Narry....Narry was his break from the world, his moment of relaxation, his moment of happiness in his sometimes complicated job. He was this ray of sunshine in stormy days...

Then he thought...maybe, this week could be a challenge for him to improve? So that he makes better coffees for him!

Because, for Stanley, Narry deserved the best

And, on this thought he left his bathroom to returns at his job with energy this time!

Mhm. I see

Curaline took a sip of the hot drink before turning to her interlocutors.

If I summarize, you have a gay revelation, for your best friend the mute barista

Narry, with always his hand on his eyes and tears on her cheeks, sigh


Curaline sighs in despair

You despair me.

I know...I despair myself too...

He finally manages to remove his hand from his face and put them on his knees. He look at his sister

I wish i was like you...

Curaline sneers

Oh no you don't want to be Aromantic. Even though its objectively the best!

It's Narry this time who laugh

Thank you, Curaline

Mh, it's nothing..."Narry"

He approaches his sister with a sweet smile and lays his head on her shoulders.

They really weren't the best of friends or fusional twins, but they were there for each other...at least in their own way and it's already a good start

The rest of the week passed too slowly for one and too quickly for the other one...

Narry, who badly needed a coffee after his trip back home, went to his favorite coffee shop! And he sure to not meet the one who torments his nights. Why? Because today, normally, Stanley does not work.

So imagine what was his surprise when his dark green eyes met Stanley's dark brown eyes

Oh no.》 he whisper 《Oh no no no no-

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