13. Nice Work If You Can Get It

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A hasty survey of the room confirmed Bob had been Pearce's only victim. The incident didn't end the party immediately, but it certainly took a tense turn when the police showed up.
The officers' discretion in taking Bob's statement made it possible for his last name to remain an unsearchable secret. He'd be sorry to see them go, knowing afterward he'd have to face the music he was, in a way, being paid to compose. Being loathed wasn't as fun as Natasha had promised it would be, although he could now confidently list it as a strength on his resume.

DeeDee had steered clear of him most of the night, engaged as she'd been with other guests, and taking frequent trips upstairs for the breathers he so envied. The police took her aside for her statement, and Bob found himself glanced at several times over the huddle. In that moment he thought he might finally have lost her vote, but when it was over she passed him on the way to kitchen and paused briefly to say, "Nice shooting, Tex," with a teasing wink.

Dammit, Bob thought. What does a guy have to do to get booed?

When the last guests had left and the catering company started packing up, Alvin unleashed on Bob.

"What the hell were you thinking? Why didn't you just give him your wallet?"

The accusation surprised Bob but he decided to roll with it.

"Do you want your daughter to marry a coward?"

"I want my daughter to marry someone who won't put her and everyone else's life in danger to save his pride!"

"I'm sorry, sir. We never know how survival instincts will take over in a moment like that. Mine demanded I not give in to that blood-sucker. I don't know what came over me, but I swear it was my way of making sure it didn't happen to anyone else."

"You were so brave, sweetie," Natasha melted.

"Are you for real?" Alvin yelled.

"Daddy, Bob would never let anything happen to me."

"Hand over my wallet, ha!" Bob dug in. "How dare he? In your home? I hope you're going to sue that catering company for lousy background checks and, I'm sorry Mrs. Loy, but very dry blinis."

"I'm going to bed before I have a heart attack!"

"Daddy are you okay?" DeeDee and Natasha asked worriedly in synch.

"You two are gonna kill me!"

"Ok, honey," Alexis said calmly.

"They take after you, Alexis! They don't hold anyone accountable."

"Excuse me?"

"I'll be upstairs!"

"Why don't you do that? Go on up and change into your drawstrings, sit by the window and get some fresh air. I'll be up with a glass of beet juice and we'll take your blood pressure."

With Alvin gone, Alexis' eyes swooped around as she shrugged, looking for something to say to her children.

"Mom," Natasha said, "You can't blame Bob. He's the victim."

She steepled her fingers under her nose and took a deep breath. "What time are you leaving tomorrow?"

"Mom!" Natasha protested.

"Well? You are leaving. I just want to know what time so I can warn your father."

"Warn him?" Natasha asked, wonderfully wounded.

"Honey, he just needs a little time to calm down. What time?"

"After lunch. We have to go get the cookies."

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