I was in my room listening to driver's license by Olivia Rodrigo. I decided to go for a walk. "Bye mu- HOUSE, I'm going for a walk." I said walking out the door. "Ok! Be safe." She responded to me.

While on my walk I bumped into someone. "Oh! Sorry." He said. "It's fine." I said picking up the stuff he dropped. "Uhh clay! Prefers Dream!" He introduced himself. "Karl!"


The next morning I woke up, got ready for school and headed out the door.

When I got to school I was heading to my locker I got stopped my Jake, the school bully. "Hey f@g!" He said. "Uh...hi.." I replied. "DREAM! DREAM! DREAM!" I ticed. Why am I ticing 'dream' when I only met the boy.

"Ooo is that the popular boy in the school...Dream?" He said. "Who's that..? That's probably a different b-" I got cut off by the dream boy they were talking about. It was the same person I saw earlier...

"What the fuck is wrong with you guys?" He asked. "Well this f@g is ticing-" jake started but got cut off. "HE CAN'T FUCKING CONTROL IT ASSHOLE!" He screamed. "DREAM! SCHOOL! ASSHOLE!" I ticed.

"Hey, hey calm down.." Dream comforted me when the bully left. "I- your probably with that blonde girl! think brrr. I'm having FUCK YOU! A tic slayYyY attack-"

"It's ok..." Dream said. "FUCK ME!" I ticed. "Sh sh" This repeated until my tics calmed down.

"Um what's your first class?" He asked. "Art." I replied. "Ok I will walk with you..." he said and we walked together to the art room. "Uhh... bye Dream..." I said. "Bye!" He said about to walk off but I stopped him. "Thank you..." I said.

"No problem!" And with that he walked off to his first class.

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