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"A pleasure doing business with you, as always." you smiled as you collected the money from Sue, the general store owner.
"The pleasure's all mine sugar, tell your Ma I said hi." she pat your hand, giving you a warm smile.

You nodded as you left the store and got into your small wagon. Your Golden Eagle, Anne screeched when she saw you, she puffed up proudly as you scritched her on the forehead, tossing her a large chunk of beef, she snapped it up happily and you laughed. You whistled to yourself as you took the old dirt road that lead to your family's ranch, it was your pride and joy, you couldn't imagine a life without it. Your two favorite horses, Linda and Carl whinnied, they liked it when you whistled. You whistled louder as you round the hill, but your whistle grew quieter when you saw a dark cloud of smoke... Coming from your ranch, you frowned as you urged the horses to go faster, you hoped that there wasn't a wildfire, it was worse, it was so, so much worse. You saw a cloud of dust kick up, you squinted to see a group of men galloping away to the west, whooping on the other side of your family's ranch, which was burning down right in front of you. You screamed as you snapped the reins, your horses didn't move. You hurriedly scrambled out of the wagon, Anne flapped her wings but she stayed put. You sprinted to your ranch, no... no no your family!
"MA?! PA?! TOMMY?! JESS?!" you screamed as you put your dress over your face, the smoke choked the air, you couldn't see a damn thing.

"Y/N!!!" you heard your little sister yell faintly, you turned to the source of her voice.

"JESS? JESS WHERE ARE YOU?" you called out.

"I DON'T KNOW! T-THEY KILLED THEM!" your sister wailed, you stumbled around blindly in the direction of her voice.

"D-Don't worry Jess! I-I'm coming, just hang on!" You promised, coughing.
"Y/N! Y/N!" your sister cried out, your eyes burned... it was so hot, the air choked you, you couldn't breathe, but you had to find your sister, she was still alive, you could still-


You were thrown back, the air knocked out of you as you were flung through the air, you gasped for air as you lay on the ground, a smoldering chunk of wood lay next to you, your ears rung as your head spun.

"J-Jess? Jess?!" you wheezed, you didn't hear an answer. "JESS! JESS WHERE-" you started coughing furiously, your eyes watered... It was so hot, there was so much smoke. "JESS!!" you screamed... There was no response, you started to stumble forward before you heard a muffled screech, you looked up to see Anne barrel towards you, her talons dug into your arm as she flapped, trying to get you out of the fire. "NO! No Anne she's still-" you cried out in pain as she nipped you in the ear, she wasn't going to stop until you got out of here, you held back tears as you retreated back to safety, Anne screeched in your ear... There was so much fire, so much smoke... You stood at your wagon, your face was covered with soot as you numbly watched your ranch burn... Jess was dead, there was no denying that... Your family was dead. This was no accident... The men's cheers echoed in your head, they did this. You weren't an idiot. They killed your family... And they were going to pay. Your eyes never left the ranch, it burned for a whole week. You never ate anything, you didn't sleep... You just watched your whole life burn down right in front of you.

You coughed as you slowly rode into the hellscape that was supposed to be your home, you got out of the wagon, the wind whistled through your ears, and Anne gave a muffled screech... You think that your ears were messed up, but you couldn't think about that. You had to find your family.


Your foot caught something, you looked down to see a blackened corpse, your eyes landed on your Ma's wedding ring and you held back a sob, no... no no no this wasn't happening! Your hand shook as you went to brush away the soot, she was frozen in place, her arm was reaching out but it crumbled the moment you touched her arm... You weren't going to be able to bury the bodies. You turned slowly to see who she was pointing to... A flag fluttered in the air, somehow untouched by the raging fire that destroyed your life... You've seen that flag before, you've seen that symbol, The Rattlers, a gang led by the infamous Monty Morgue... They did this, they slaughtered your family, burned your ranch to the ground, they did this... Your fists clenched as you picked up your Ma's ring, she would have wanted you to have it... As you salvaged what remained of your old life one thought repeated in your mind, you were going to hunt them down.

Burn It All Down (Western AU)-Doc Ock (Raimi) x AFAB ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now