My Fingers Are Killing Me

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"They killed over half of our men, why ain't we gone after 'em?" a Rattler asked.

"I'm just givin' that pretty lil' lady some time to mull over her options," Monty answered as he took a lazy drag from a cigar, he puffed out rings as he stared in the direction that you and Otto fled.

"This is foolish-"
"Count to 120, then we'll go." Monty snapped.

"Boss with all-" another Rattler started.

Monty pointed his pistol at the man "I've lost a lotta men today... But I can lose another if they're being too mouthy " he snarled. "Start counting." he ordered.

"One, two, three, four..."

"Otto wake up!" you shook him some more, he couldn't be dead not after everything that you had gone through with him. "WAKE UP!"
"Will you stop yelling at me?" he grumbled, you let out a relieved gasp as you hugged him, you heard him hiss out in pain, but he shakily hugged you back. "Thank you sweetheart." he breathed.

You just nodded as you kissed him on the forehead, fighting back tears.

"I-I like that," he muttered as he tried to get up.

"No, stop," you ordered.

"As-As much as I like y-you ordering m-me around we need to get going." he wheezed as he sat up.

"You're weak, they stopped-"

You looked up at Anne, who was flapping her wings angrily, and you sighed. "They're coming."
"Help me up," Otto asked, you grunted as you helped him up, he slumped slightly as his arm draped over your shoulder. "W-We need to go."

"I-I know." You panted, the two of you struggled to get onto Carl but as soon as you were on him, the two of you shot off. "What do we do now?!" you yelled.

"The train!" Otto shakily pointed to an approaching train, you looked back at Linda and down at Carl.

"What about them?" you asked, gesturing to the horses...You already knew the answer though.

"We have to leave them-"
"No, no not with those monsters I just left the wagon!"

"If we don't get on that train, we die do you understand? Or-Or worse."

"What could be worse than death?" you asked.

"Many things," he muttered.

Oh, oh you got fire! I like that in a woman... Makes them more fun to break Monty's voice echoed in your head, you shuddered.

"No matter what happens... I will find both of you again, I-I promise you that," you swore, the horses just whinnied in response. "L-Let's get to that train." you breathed as you urged Carl forward.

"I know this is hard for you-"

"We can talk on the train," you said, your eyes were focused on a cargo car with its door ajar, Carl could make it... He had to make it, you neared the car and you were finally right next to it, Carl snorted as he kept up. "I don't-"
"On the count of three." Otto interrupted your concerns.

"Two!" he braced himself, his arm wrapped around your waist. "Three."

You took a deep breath as the two of you launched yourselves into the train, you cried out in pain as your injured arm rolled onto the hard wooden floor. Anne did a barrel dive into the train car and crashed into some crates. You heard Carl and Linda whinny, they were still trying to keep up with you, tears sprung to your eyes.

"Get! It-It ain't safe out here!" You ordered.

They didn't stop, you squeezed your eyes shut as you fired a blank.


"I SAID GET! GO! GO! Be safe!" you snapped. "NOW!"

They gave you one last neigh as they started to slow, you fought back tears as you watched them get further and further away. "I'll find you..." you muttered.

"They'll survive sweetheart." Otto wheezed, you turned around and sighed at the sight of him, you crawled over to him and let him lay his head on your lap. "Got any new sketches?" he asked.

You laughed "I haven't had any time!"

"You have some now." he pointed out.

"...I do, don't I?" You took out your sketchbook and pencil and began sketching Linda and Carl from memory before you forgot what they would look like. Anne preened herself... She was the only one left from your old life, she was the only one keeping you together... Besides Otto of course, but-but it wasn't the same. As you sketched, the creeping sense of guilt lurked in the back of your mind. "I killed people today." you finally said.

"You did."
"Why can't they leave me alone? Their-Their faces..."

"I told you it gets easier after the third-"
"I killed more than three men today."

Otto inhaled "Listen, Sweetheart, it was them or you. If you gave them the chance, they would have riddled your body with bullets without a second thought."
"I still feel guilty-"
"And that's alright to feel guilty... But don't you ever say that you're a bad person."
"I never said that I was a bad person."
"But you were thinking it, weren't you?"
You sighed and gave a small nod.

"Sweetheart, you're surviving. Remember why you're fighting, why you're killing-"
"What if I forget? What if-if I turn into some monster that kills without hesitation what if I start enjoying it?!" you started to hyperventilate.

"That's not going to happen-"
"But what if it-"
"I said that's not going to happen," he said, now stern.

You sighed, he wasn't going to hear it. You watched the sun set slowly, the train chugged along steadily.

"Where do you think it's going to take us?" you asked.

"I don't know... But it's away from Morgue."

"...We need to finish what we started."

"I know that we do, but we are in no position to do so." he hesitated before continuing "We need to go to New York."

You gave a small nod.

"Ain't them their horses?" A Rattler asked, Linda and Carl were grazing in the distance.

Monty watched the train disappear into a mountain, his eyes narrowed. "Loot 'em. And find out where that train is headed," he ordered.

"How're we gonna-"
"I said FIND OUT!" he snapped as he whipped around. "Does anyone recognize that girl?"

Everyone shook their head.

"If I find out one of you's is lying, I'm putting a bullet through your skull. THIS is why we don't leave survivors!"

"We defeated-"
"They're defeated when they're DEAD or BROKEN!" he growled. "And as far as I could tell, they ain't dead or broken yet, are they?"

He was followed with reluctant nods of assent.

"Now, get more recruits, loot them horses, find out where that damn train is headed. And meet me back at base, we're going to finish this." he snarled.

"Yes boss!" they answered, their horses whinnied as they all broke off to do their jobs.

"You wanna play Doc?" Monty muttered, loading his hunting rifle. He aimed it at Carl "Let's play."


Burn It All Down (Western AU)-Doc Ock (Raimi) x AFAB ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now