This Chapter is Homophobic

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"T-That ruptured something." Peter barely whispered.

"Shit, shit, shit! I'll just stop the bleeding-" Wade's face fell when his bandana was instantly soaked with Peters's blood. He fumbled around and was about to tear a piece of his shirt off before Peter stopped him.

"T-Talk to my Aunt May. Tell her that I love her-"
"Stop that Petey." Wade's voice shook.

"Y-You're in my will, there's-there's a letter for you..."
"You're not going to die!"
"But I am... And I know it's idiotic since we... we can't but..."

Wade looked down at the two solid iron rings that Peter had placed into his hands, they were slick with blood.

"Oh Petey..." he whispered as he put his ring on.

"I love you, Wade. I-I wish that I had said it more but-" Peter started as Wade slipped on Peters's ring, his hands were ice cold.

"I annoyed you half to death." Wade laughed as tears streamed down his face.

Peter gave a small, tired smile as his eyes started to close. Wade slapped him.

"Don't fall asleep!" he ordered.

"I'm so tired... Just let me-" Peter was cut off by Wade smashing his lips against his.

"I love you, don't leave me. I can't lose you, you're all that I have left don't you FUCKING die on me!" Wade pleaded as he pulled Peter into another kiss. Peter lifted one of his cold, shaking hands to brush up against Wade's scarred face before it fell limply to the ground. Wade felt Peters's pulse slowly fade away.

"No..." Wade muttered "No, no, NO! NO!!" he yelled, looking into Peters's lifeless eyes. "NO! Please Petey don't-FUCK!" he wailed.

"Get up, you filthy Fed!" a mobster snapped. At this point, they were simply looting and wreaking havoc. The police had fled the massacre with their tails behind their legs. Fucking cowards.

Wade gripped his revolvers tightly as he stood up and turned around. There was no other way to describe his look except it being absolutely murderous. Drenched in his partner's blood, he looked like the devil himself.

The mobster fell to the ground, already dead before he could even react.


One after the other, the mobsters fell. None of them had time to process what was happening. A civilian screamed as a civilian's lifeless body crumpled to the ground. But Wade didn't care who his bullets hit anymore, they were all fucking responsible. The world had taken everything from him, and he had tried to be a good man. But in the end, it didn't mean shit.

"Agent Wilson! It's over, they're dead." a police officer called out, peeking out from behind an abandoned wagon.



"Agent Wilson, stand down!" another officer ordered.



"This is your last warning, if you don't drop your-"

"COME AND GET ME, MOTHERFUCKERS!" Wade let out a crazed laugh as the police opened fire. In a frenzy of smoke, blood, bullets... and screams. The massacre began.

When the dust settled, the only one left standing was Wade Wilson and the sickening, metallic scent of blood. He panted as he fell to his knees next to Peter. He held his lifeless body and broke down into a sobbing mess of apologies, curses, and just everything that he wished that he had the time to tell Peter, but never had the chance to.

"...I hate you, Teya," he muttered.

I know you do.

"You better make this up to me."

I will.

"...Just fucking kill me already."

Is that really what you want?

"Yes. Do it, or I fucking will."


Burn It All Down (Western AU)-Doc Ock (Raimi) x AFAB ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now