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Monty kept his arm wrapped around your waist as he greeted guests, you searched the crowd for Otto, even though you knew that Monty was probably going to make a big scene out of it. Hana squeezed your hand reassuringly as she weaved through the crowd, your hand itched to use the revolver... But you wouldn't do it yet. Not until you knew that Otto was ok.

"...Kathryn Hahn?" the thug looked up at Olivia, who smiled at him.

"Yes, thank you!" she shoved past him before he could say anything back to her, her eyes scanned the crowd... She couldn't see Otto anywhere...her eyes landed on you and she couldn't help but clench her fists at the way that Monty...She needed to stop this, she needed-

"Liv?" Hana asked, Liv turned around to face her ex.

"It's Kathryn for today," she looked her up and down "You look absolutely gorgeous-"
"Stop with the flattery." Hana leaned forward "What are you doing here? What is Otto doing here?"
"I could ask the same from you."
"You know why I'm here."
"...I could kill him for you?"
"I'm doing it myself..." Hana looked back at you, who was staring puzzlingly at Olivia. "Keep a low profile, for now, Morgue is probably going to bring Otto out soon-"
"After you kill him, do you think that we could try again?" Olivia cut her off.

Hana raised an eyebrow "I can't believe you." she muttered, shaking her head. "After everything that you did-"

The crowd suddenly went silent as Doc Ock was shoved in front of Morgue and you.

Your breath caught in your throat when you saw him, he looked up and gave a small, tired, relieved smile.

"Sweetheart," he said in a hoarse voice, tears blurred your vision. He was back, he was here and he found you and you were going to kill Morgue and escape, you would be happy again you would be happy. You tackled him into a hug before anyone could stop you, the two of you winced out in pain at the bruises, but none of that mattered now.

"It's alright... I'm here," he muttered, holding you close.

"I didn't think that you would find me." your voice shook.

"Oh Sweetheart, I'll always find you... We're getting out of here," he promised.

"Oh, ain't this sweet?" Morgue jeered, pulling you away from Otto, you fought against him.

"You get away from me!" You screamed.

Otto jumped up and snatched up a whiskey glass, he swung it against a table, causing it to shatter into jagged, sharp pieces. Blood trickled down his hand as he held the longest one, and lunged towards Monty, Monty whipped out his revolver and put it against your head.

"Move and she's dead," he warned.


Monty cried out in pain as he was shot in the knee, you immediately broke free and scrambled back so he couldn't grab you. Olivias silver actuators revealed themselves, ripping through the shawl.

"Was that the signal?" Olivia asked as her actuators tossed Otto's pack to him.

"Yes, that was the signal." Otto hurriedly put it on, he couldn't help but smile as his actuators came alive once again. They spun their revolvers and pointed them to the crowd, who had all drawn their guns at the three of you. Otto turned to you and pulled you into a hug, for a brief, blissful moment the only two people in the world were you and him.

"Kill them all." you muttered "E-Except Monty..." you took out your revolver "He's mine."

"Can I get a kick in?" Otto asked.

"Of course you can... I love you."

"I love you too." he breathed, kissing you on the forehead.

"What are y'all standing around for?! SHOOT 'EM!" Monty roared.

Your heart ached as the two of you drew away from each other, Otto and Olivia opened fire on the party guests, who promptly opened fire back. Otto managed to drag you and Monty behind an overthrown table, you glared down at him.

"W-What're you gonna do? Shoot me through the fucking head?" Monty wheezed, his face pale from the bullet wound. Pathetic.

"That would be merciful, no, no I'm going to shoot you through the stomach and carve you up like the pig you are." you sneered.

"You don't-"

Monty screamed as your bullet ripped through his stomach, Otto looked down at you as he dodged a bullet.

"Is-Is it wrong for me to say that you're incredibly attractive right now?"

You gave a tired, crazed laugh as you took out your hairpin, Monty laughed, coughing up blood. "What're you gonna do with that-AUGH!!!" he cried out in pain as you slashed his thigh, one of Otto's actuators handed you a decorative, heavy table piece, and you gave it a grateful smile. "Don't-Please..." Monty sputtered.

You scoffed as you swung the heavy object down onto his arm, it shattered his arm with a sickening crack! You kept on swinging, shards of bone flew into the air as you beat the monster that ruined your life, that murdered your family in cold blood, that... used you as if you were nothing more than dirt.

Monty coughed up some more blood, he took a shaky breath and looked up at you. "Y-You're-"

"I'm vengeance ." you snarled, you held out your hand, you felt Otto hand you a lighter... It was as if the two of you shared the same mind. You grabbed a whisky glass and poured it over Monty, he tried to scramble away from you as he hissed at the stinging sensation. But his limbs were shattered into a million tiny pieces, he wasn't going anywhere. You flicked on the lighter, bullets whizzed past you and Otto as you glared down at Monty, the fire flickered off of your eyes. "Go to hell." you sneered, dropping the lighter onto his broken body. Monty screamed out in utter pain as the fire engulfed him, Otto turned to see Monty ablaze, his eyes widened and he looked at you.

You just watched him coldly, your nose crinkled at the familiar scent of burning flesh as he writhed out in pain. You didn't feel... you didn't feel anything but joy, pure, utter joy. His screams started to mix in with your crazed laughter.

"Well, Morgue is dead!" Kingpin called out over the gunfire. "The deal is off, kill 'em all Princess." he looked over at Hana, who was next to him.

"...Even our own men?" Hana asked.

"No, don't be fucking stupid." he scoffed.

"Even myself?" she cocked her revolver.

"Princess-" he started.

"Even you?" Hana pointed her revolver at Kingpin's forehead, and his eyes widened.


He fell to the floor, dead. Hana brushed the hair out of her eyes as she stepped over his corpse.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Hana blew the fumes off of her gun as she joined Olivia, several bodies collapsed to the ground, dead. Her nose wrinkled at the stench of burning flesh, and Hanas's eyes widened at the now dead, burning body of Monty Morgue, your eyes were wild as Otto helped you up.

"Burn this place down," you muttered. "Burn it all down." you echoed.


Otto shot the final Rattler member down without a second glance, Olivia took a swig of whisky and handed the rest to Hana, who downed the rest of it. The two women looked around at the gaudy mansion, dead bodies littered the floor. Hana looked over at the bar, she stepped over the bodies and grabbed a half-empty bottle of whiskey, dousing it over the bodies. Olivia's actuators followed her lead. Otto just held you close and led you out of the mansion, uttering words of comfort. You had a far-off look in your eyes as you squeezed his hand tightly.

"I'm here Sweetheart, I'm here," he muttered.

You sobbed into his chest, he rubbed your back as the mansion was lit ablaze. Olivia and Hana stumbled back, Hanas face was pale, but Olivia had a crazed smile plastered over her face. The four of you watched the building burn. It was over.

"So... How about that kiss?" Olivia asked.

Burn It All Down (Western AU)-Doc Ock (Raimi) x AFAB ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now