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On this day I end a work week which was literally a social worker nightmare in the making. Choices, debacles and obstacles plagued the clients. In turn events of the people really affected my mental well-being. So I took on this day and went to position number 4 literally forcing myself to pull it together and do the work!

I began as I usually do there and got the scene set learned of the players and made a list. Six names to do a psycho social assessment on. Randomly because I haven't been there in a bit I went around to meet the people of the facility. Some were still there from the last time, but most were gone and new faces made stance. I get the looks always of oh who's the new worker, what does he do etc etc. i look the part I'll tell ya of a social worker for sure, I do not look the part of a meth addict alcoholic. That's always the kicker when I sit down and get down to the gritty with clients.

So i first met with a guy we shall call Craig, he tells his story of how he came to be here and what he thinks it will take to go from here and move forward. Craigs story was very similar to my own and In turn I share some relation. I also always explain that I literally lived a version of their story every time I sit with folk. I do this because again I don't look the part, but I fuckin understand!! Craig and I discussed how he hates therapy but couldn't explain why. So I tilt my head dissolve the smile and I robotically say hmmm yes I bet that is hard for you. Craig looked at me and was like wtf. Because my whole demeanor changed and I became the person who is in my opinion book taught with little to no lived experience. That right there was what Craig and many others do not like in therapy!

We laughed. I explained and then I explained the "static" in the mind we share as addicts. If he so chose to call himself that label, he does. With a good solid plan at hand, which is rare especially on first couple trips round the merry, Craig is gonna be ok. I reckon! The question being though what do we do when the "Static" breaks through the busy activities we schedule for ourselves once #outthere brilliant moment for Craig and I! He got it, he felt it and he was astounded with this realization that yes we can avoid but we can't out run! Guidance is there and he has the tools. Could this be it? I'm not sure, but I had hope for someone again after this week of severe heart break.

So I shared this with Craig, and he felt like a human. Such an amazing thing ya know. To have a conversation a real conversation with another person who has gone down that road, some how still standing and downright real with their person who is travelling right now.

That's the piece , that's the moment inspirational touch point of any session. I felt like I was making a difference and it felt good I felt alive again. God or my higher power granted me the desire I made last night while I prayed ( I pray every night) I needed a serious reprieve from this week, I go my way and it made my day in that moment! The day continued to be a release and I feel stress less at this now moment.

Haha now I did not set out to right about this as I started this blog, so I'll get to the topic on the next one.

Thanks for reading, please tell me your thoughts... relate share I'm a vault of grasping inspiration and y'all are that for me!


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