Chitty Chitty

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      There goes the smashing of the needle. The eb & flow of the syringe circulating the bloodstream.

Darkness falls upon some as light travels inside those who assist. Don't be fooled the darkness isn't the drug, nor the needle. It's a cascading dressing of the addiction that bares the body of a soul lost in it.

DISCLAIMER: All names and stories have been altered this is not solely based on any one individual.

Walks of life changlings of the tide one could say.

A young man who barely hit his after teens cannot escape the carousel of memories that entrap him here.

He watched as his fuck buddy died in their bath tub of the condo they got together. Rig money wasn't enough to save either of them. Years of continued spirals have led him to smashing.

Same story for a fellow not to much older but miracles do not decade the day as he too lost not one but two lovers to the disease that is  the opioid crisis.

Homeless and self taught artist of the booster game Troy finds himself on deaths door daily.

His words to me as I assist in his daily process are

" if you actually cared you'd listen"

Stunned by this statement as I calm my actions down. Slow my role and take a cheat next time him to hear more. He tells his story and how he cannot escape this aftermath.

Sylvia appears outside of the facility in designer clothes on Monday just accompanying her boyfriend Isaac.  Sylvia states she would t be caught dead in the building and is only there for emotional support during his time of need.

Issac is seemingly fresh to the area, to the lifestyle it appears. Still in his Canada Goose jacket he smokes some crystal meth out of a bat off to the side.

Sylvia watches with a loom I too once had- disgust.

Tuesday comes and Sylvia brings Issac back for more supplies. Support is offered but she declines for him and hands him the supplies. Just as he inhaled she takes his wallet and leaves.

Wednesday morning and Issac hadn't left outside the building as he spent the night with the folks he now calls friends.

I ask where his jacket went and he says he sold it. He shivers, we give him some donated items.

Sylvia appears later that morning with a new purse and some money for Issac.

She asks for more supplies for him and she brings them to him but with some drugs too!

Thursday they come together and this time Sylvia's demeanour is off. Her hair seems slightly different and he makeup looks slept in. Issac explains that she tried to take his money again so he showed her a good time.

Friday the relationship has melted together as Issac asks for the supplies as Sylvia shivers. No longer is she in her designer threads.

A couple weeks go by and the couple can no longer stand and she leans off his every move. Sylvia and Issac appear to be gone and something of descriptive walking dead appear to alter their state of humanness.

Mary I met a while ago at another site. She wanted to get her kids back and was demanding she be helped escape the demons that come with the fentanyl that grips her.

Her first day was rough. She spent a couple days painfully grasping the idea of life without.

Slowly Color came back to her and wits too. Mary began to shower and eat. Real conversations were had and a treatment plan was set. She was going to become an esthetician.

After treatment she was placed in affordable housing and met Davey who seen talent in her. A talent she didn't want to rise again.

It rose again and Mary found herself smashing again on the daily. No longer housed and barely able to keep her stance. Her life consisted of multiple dollar store bags and fish net stockings.

Mary wanted to die for her birthday!

Mary has not died- yet!!

A man who sings upon his usage delivers himself to the orchestra of the cinema world.

Picture it a full on band playing every instrument 🎻 in a theatre captivating its audience.

This is all happening to him we shall call him Newton. Newton sings and slows down and raises his voice. What he doesn't know is he isn't playing an instrument nor is he singing but a full roar which comes out muffled to those around him.

When he comes too he explains how much joy he had when as a child his mom would bring him to the drive through and watch Chitty Chitty Bang Bang!

He longed to by Van Dyke! He was more like Bert as he always was poppin pills and living in techno Color.

He still longed!

The opioid crisis is real people!

The humans are NOT the darkness you see. They're on a journey they could t simply say no too! #realism

As quoted in the movie:

    "That's no way to treat adventure's. Never say no to adventures. Always say yes.

Otherwise you'll lead a very dull life!"

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