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Another day.
Another long day.
Except this was Wednesday.
Which meant we all got to talk to each other.
With the protection of guards that is.

Sure it wasn't perfect, but at least we got to be social once a week.


Alice immediately searched around for her best friend, Nina.

The prettiest girl Alice had ever met.
She had short blonde hair, pale skin, and greenish blue eyes.
They had gotten really close within the last week.
Nina was the first person to take Alice in.
She appreciated that.

After what felt like an hour, Alice finally found the girl, who seemed like she was hiding from her, if Alice was being honest.
She snuck up behind the girl, who was sitting at a metal bench in the back corridor, dragging her into the lessons room.
They sat down in two of the desks, one in front of the other.
Alice turned around swiftly.
"I need to ask you something"

Nina made a noise that could only be described as a half- sigh, half- groan.
Alice shook her head in partial defeat. The other part being annoyed.
If there was one way to describe Nina, it was a "knower."

She knew everything somehow.
Every person in Stockholm, including their backstories.
Every single hidden place, either made by the government, or by locals trying to hide something.
Every secret going on in the city.
Some things I wasn't even sure I wanted to know.

Alice was pulled away from her thoughts by Nina , who was apparently snapping her fingers in front of her face.
This action had caused her to jump slightly, as she had not realized she zoned out.

She sighed and looked at Nina before hesitantly speaking up,
"What do you know about Linus Ek?"

Nina was taken aback.
"Why do you want to know about him?" the tone in her voice sounding cocky as she crossed her arms over her chest.

Alice shrugged and looked down at her shoes.
"Just curious" she mumbled.

The blonde girl laughed at her friend before looking up and seeing the serious look on her face.

"Oh" her attitude quickly changed and she sighed deeply. "What do you need to know?" her tone now more serious than before.

Alice sat up straight, looking Nina in the eyes with a stern expression.

"Where do i find him?"

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