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Heavy footsteps approached and familiar voices stuck out like a sore thumb on the otherwise quiet street.

"Shit, be quiet" Linus whispered as he placed his hand over Alice's mouth.
Her breathing hitched.
She couldn't tell if it was because she was scared.
Or if it was because of Linus.
But either way, her lungs didn't want to work.

She raised up as Linus pulled her, signaling for her to follow.
They snuck around to the back of the building, Linus quietly opening an old window and lifting Alice up for her to crawl in.
He put a finger over his lips and she nodded, grabbing his hand and pulling him in as well.
The two ducked behind the window as it closed, silently laughing.

Although the laughing quickly stopped when Linus revealed what was in the bag that the men had previously gave him.
Alice's expression turned a 360.
A small handgun was pulled out of the black bag.
Linus got up slowly, not taking his eyes off of Alice.
"When you hear the guns going off, run" he stated as he walked towards the door.
She was in shock, almost frozen in fear until she heard the first gunshot.
Then the second and third.
And then the fourth.
That one followed with blood splattering on the glass window across the room from her.
She got up and basically fell out of the window, running as fast as she could for about 4 blocks.
Stopping to catch her breath, she hit the ground.
Shaking vigorously with tears pouring down her cheeks.
She hadn't even noticed the arm around her until she felt a shaky breath hit her neck.

Alice looked over at Linus, who was obviously okay.
Blonde hair fell in front of his face.
His breathing was heavy and shallow.
She looked down at the arms that were now wrapped around her waist.
She jumped slightly, causing him to move a little bit, a tiny groan escaping from his lips as he leaned against her.
"They're dead, we don't have to worry" he muttered as he shut his eyes tightly.
She sighed.
Not noticing that she had previously been holding her breath.

Everything was going to be okay now.

Momma, I'm in love with a criminal Where stories live. Discover now