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It had been weeks now since the three men were killed.
Three weeks since I escaped.
And met Linus.
We had gotten pretty close.
Always hiding out in abandoned buildings, trying everything to avoid the random raids that went on by people searching for us.
The worst part was behind us though.
It was over.
The cold autumn air had now started to turn freezing, resulting in most nights being spent cuddled together to stay warm.
This night was the same.
Until it wasn't.


The coldest night it had been this whole time was upon them.
It was snowing and they were currently in an old store.
Busted out windows, broken doors, and holes in the walls and ceiling surrounded them.
Holding each other closely at an attempt to stay at least somewhat warm.
Finally the two had managed to become tired, nearly asleep, when they heard footsteps crunch in the snow outside the window.
Both of them turning their heads quickly to look, Linus pushed Alice back and moved in front of her.
They had no line of defense as Linus had ditched the gun shortly after the shooting.
Plus they were freezing so it's not like they could fight back very much.

To their shock, no other but Barry appeared in the doorway, quickly running up to them.
Alice jumped back, bracing herself for anything about to come her way.
But when she opened her eyes, they were hugging?
Didn't he just kill this man?
Wasn't he the bad guy?
Her mind raced with confusion and she hadn't even realized she was now also involved in the hug.
Barry pulled out a bag, opening it.
Alice and Linus stepped back, not knowing what to expect.

"I've been searching everywhere for you kids since i've gotten out of the hospital" Barry spoke calmly as he pulled a blanket out, wrapping it around them and leading them out to the car.
It was warm.
The heat was on.
And they surprisingly felt safe, falling asleep in the backseat of the SUV.

Barry looked back and smiled at the two.
He was getting a second chance at life, and he had never been more ready to change himself.
He just hoped he could give the kids in the back seat the same second chance he had just received.

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