how it all started

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there i was just chilling watching one of my favorite movies back to the future, wondering what it be like to time travel, right when it gets to mt favorite part i hear " Jules can you go check on your brothers and tell me if the need changes?" i say " mom cant it wait my favorite movie is on " and i hear " JULES NOW" i get up angry and walk into the play room where my two little brothers are playing in their diapers ( they are ages 2 and 4) " I say Archer, Enzo come here" they crawl over and i check enzos diaper and its just wet, than i check archers pull-up and all his wetness indicators are gone meaning hes very wet. i leave and tell mom, and she sighs rubs her temples and says " archer is getting on my nerves your brother refuses to potty train, this has been going on for months now im going to put him back in a diaper after i spank him bum. thank you for checking on them for me" " no problem mom" and i walk back to my room lay on my bed and finish the movie, and i start thinking about how my little brothers have it easy 

they are feed, they get to play all day, they dont have to worry about going to the bathroom and missing anything because they are wearing diapers which our mom changes for them. as i am thinking about this one of my friends calls me and says their dad said he can bring a friend with him to see this lab and see his newest creation, i got excited and say " that sounds awesome, but i have to ask my mom hold on" i run to find mom and i find her in archers room, as i walk in shes is finishing up spanking him and lays him on the change table turns to me and says "what do you want Jules you want a spanking also? im busy" i said " im sorry mom, no i dont want a spanking but my friend called me and asked if i can go with him n his dad to see the new project his dad is working on?" mom does not say anything and keeps diapering my brother. so i impatiently say " well mom can i? can i? can i? please can i ?" and i think i got on my moms nerves because after she got the diaper fully on my little brother she calmly put him in the crib there and grabs me by the arm and drags me to my room and pulls my pants down and spanks me , after a few mins of spanking me she says " you lucky i dont have diapers that fit you right now, or you be in them! but yes you can go but you have to learn to be patient  and not ask the same thing over and over again, if someone says they are busy you WAIT till they are done than ask" i look down and say " yes mom im sorry i try harder next time, and thank you for saying yes" i call my friend and tell him my mom said yes i can go, he says " great i tell dad and we can go pick you up." i pull up my pants, and go see what mom is doing i see that she is on the computer and i wait and wait for her to be done and i start getting bored, so i make werid noises to keep me entertained till mom is not busy. mom turns around and says i guess you did not learn your lesson and pulls my pants down again and this time my underwear also and spanks me again after and even longer few minutes and my bum red and kinda hurting, mom stands me back up, and says "what now?!"  

im sorry mom i look at the ground with my pants and underwear still around my feet i was just trying to wait till you were done on the computer like you said to. "Mason and his dad said they will be coming to pick me up" she rubs her temples again, and says " ok, but when you get back home you will be getting another spanking for not cleaning up your room, maybe taking away your stuff and treating you like your brothers might make you behave better" i say " mom no you spanked me twice today already, and im not a baby! im 10 years old." i pull up my underwear and pants again rubbing my bum just as the doorbell rings, i open it and its my friend mason and his dad. 

my mom and his dad talk about what we going to do and when to have be home by and than i hear mom say "Jules have been a bad boy lately and im close to taking his stuff away." and masons dad says " we had that same problem with mason a few days of no electronics, along with a good spanking ever day of the punishment did wonders to fix his attitude" mom says " thats a good idea i will do that hes already been spanked twice today" mom turns to me and hugs me and says " behave and listen to Masons dad, and when you get back your punishment will start i will explain it more when you get back"

i get in the car and Masons dad start driving to his lab 

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