the truth and his mother!

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{chapter about what happening in his world taking place after he went trough the portal}

(masons dad pov)
i type on the computer looking at everything all the codes, all the activity and the levels to see what caused the breach and i notice the power it was generating was to much and it faulted which caused the containment field to become faulty i go to the portal machine and start checking it out and after a while i notice one of the parts that produces the containment field was black and a little melted and i see that is here it happened the power hit that weak point destroying the field causing the problem. i bow my head and think how do i get him back and what do i tell his mother. i look at mason who is still worried and i make a call

( MD- masons dad, UNK- unknown caller)  

MD- "hey its me we have a problem you need to come to the lab now! we have a code cado!"

UNK- A what! what happen we never had this i be there as soon as i can i need to finish what im doing here"

MD- you dont understand we have a code cado! error  CF404 drop everything your doing and get here now!!!

UNK- OHH ok on  my way seal off the lab and wait for me im on my way now.

MD- roger that!

i hang up the phone and go to the lab doors and grab the keycard out and tap it to the computer screen near the door and type codes to lock all doors to everyone but me and one other person

i type on the computer and than go and write on one of the massive white boards in the lab, often stopping and looking at it scratching my head and saying how did it go so wrong. as i do this i hear the door open and this a girl walks in and says "ok fill me in exactly what caused this"

i explain about the portal working and opening to a different dimension but than the port destabilized and the field broke and started causing destruction and it caused the code cado.

she looks at me and nods and than looks at the portal and says " ya i see one of the nodes is destroyed but you said it was a code cado with a CF404  what are you not telling me, your son is right here" i look at her and bow my head and say " masons best friend jules was with us and i tried my best, and almost broke my shoulder trying to save him but it was to late he got sucked into the portal before it crashed" she looks at me and shock and says " did you try to reopen the portal, what was the dimension number, does his mother know" again i avoid eye contact and say " yes after i figured out what had happen i tried to reopen it, even after i saw what caused the problem with the field i tried to open it back up and no luck, and i dont have the full number." she nods and says ok, and you did not answer my last question"

i say "oh what was it?" she says it again " did you tell his mother?!" i pause than say " no, i been trying to get him back before and tried to make it like it never happened" she rubs her head and says " she needs to know soon but if you can give us time maybe we dont have to tell her that you lost her son" i nod and call jules mom

{ JM- jules mom  MD- masons dad}

MD- hi just calling to say the boys are behaving and having so much fun

JM- thats good jules has been a pain today so im glad hes getting it all out

MD- i have a question for you

JM- ok what is it?

MD- is it possible for Jules to spend the weekend with us?

JM- idk hes suposed to be grounded for not doing his chores

MD-if you need i can discipline him for you at our house

JM- ok yes he can spend the weekend there just make sure he gets his punishment

MD- understood what were you going to do for his punishment and i will do it for you

JM- he was going to get 20 spanks bear bum for not cleaning his room up

MD- ok i will take care of that for you

JM- ok if you need anything let me know

MD- will do i know the boys will be so happy when they hears the news

i end the call and turn to her and say ok we got the weekend! she thinks hes hes spending the weekend with us.  so we got to work fast. she nods and they get to work on the computers and the machine.  after a few hours they get the machine back to working order and stable. 

he looks at her and says ok the machine is back to normal and working again, now we need to pin point the dimension he was sucked into. i look over at mason and see him tired and bored and i say lets pick this up tommarrow i need to get mason home and give him some attention because we not thinking about how this is effecting him, he lost his best friend ever. he goes to mason and picks him up and carries him and says lets go buddy, we work more on it later. and mason looks at his dad with tears in his eyes saying " you giving up? you not going to save him" i put him down and look mason in the face and say " mason no im not giving up but i would not be a good dad if i did not care for you also, and we got the machine working again all we need to do is find out where he went to and go there, but till than im going to focus on you and give you some attention " 

{ sorry for this being a short chapter but there will be short and long chapters and this one is one of them the next chapter will be longer i hope and it will be back with jules and the baby life hes living)

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