the same but diffrent

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jules lays on the grass knocked out after being thrown thought the portal. after what felt like hours he wakes up

i slowly sit up and feel my head and say oww what happen and i look around and question how did we get to the park, we were in masons dads lab, and where is mason i look around and see other kids and people in the park and than it comes back to me the portal and me feeling alot of strong wind and trying to hold onto something as masons dad ran to us than something hit me and i let go and i must have been sucked into the portal, but where is the portal so i can get back. 

i stand up and start walking around the playground and i see kids playing but they have pacifires in their mouths, it does not make me question it becuase most little kids do but than i see a kid my age with one in i about to walk up to him when a person stops me  that looked offical and said "where your mother little boy?", i look at them and said "i dont really know i been playing why". just as they were about to ask another question a lady comes up to me and says "baby where did u go i told u to check in with me every half hour so i know u were safe and so i could check your diaper", than swatted my bum. i quickly look at her about to yell when they sneakily wink at me, so i play with it and say "im sorry mommy i forgot i was having to much fun." the offical looking person, asked this woman more questions than left. the lady said "i dont know whats wrong with you but you need to follow the rules or the B.A.B.E patrol officers will send you back to the retraining facility." i look at her and say the what! she looks at me like i spoiled a movie or something and than says the "B.A.B.E ( the Babied Adolescence Behavior Enforcement)" and again im like the what! and she says "come with me i can keep u safe and i want to help u by getting you to meet someone"

on the way to her car she says "my name is Ann whats your name?" i very shy and quietly say "my names Jules", she said "nice to meet you jules i will keep you safe." we get to her car and she opens the door and i see 3 carseats and one facing backwards, she undoes the straps on one of them and says "ok hop in". i look at her and say "i dont need a carseat." she says "its the law here all kids under the age of 15 have to be in carseats." i get in the carseat not happy bout it thinking shes lying about it. as she drives i look around and everything looks almost identical to where i left and i start thinking is there a me that lives here with my family? what about mason and his dad. maybe they could get me home.

 maybe they could get me home

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we get to this house and she brings me inside and asks me "hows your diaper? do you need a change?" i just look at her and say "im potty trained i dont wear diapers thats for toddlers n babies"
she looks stunned and says "you took your diaper off we need to get you back into a diaper ASAP, what size diaper do you wear?" i say again "im potty trained i dont need diapers." she than grabs my wrist and drags me to a nursery and puts me on the change table and pulled down my shorts i scream " hey what the" and try n pull my shorts back up thinking whats wrong this lady! and than she pulls my shorts down again but this time takes them off fully and grabs my underwear, i scream and grab my underwear and hold on, and she keeps saying "your not old enough to wear thoes you need to be in diapers, now stop fighting it." i just keep holding on im not going to let this random stranger see my naked and than diaper me. she than takes my arms and forces them to my side and than takes a strap and straps it across my tummy and clips it tight so i can move my arms or get off the table.  she than pulls my underwear off and i try to cover up my privates and im trying to break free to escape from the crazy lady and get back to masons dad or to my mom. and i keep trying and this lady keep doing stuff like she bend down and grabs a diaper size 2 opens it and lifts my legs and places it under me and sees it does not fit and than puts my legs down and folds it back up and grabs a size 4 opens it up and repeats the process, ( i have always been small for my age not crazy small but i do still wear size 4t shorts and clothes from the little kids section.) she lays the size 4 diaper under my bum and pours baby powder on my bum and rubs it in, than lays me down on the diaper, than pours baby powder on my from and rubs it in as im still trying to break free and get away and than i feel something i know very well n i look and see this lady lifted my legs and spanked my bum really hard and says very sternly "you will behave and let me diaper you or ELSE!" and stares at me, i get spooked and just lay there as she lays me back on the diaper spreads my legs a little bit pulls the diaper though and up over my front and than tapes both sides in place and than tells me do not take that diaper off  she than undoes the straps and pulls my shorts back on and the ground and says i want you to meet someone

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