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after another felt like 200 different worlds we take a lunch break and than i type in a number and it opens and i step through and it looks like ours, and i contact my partner and say

 "is the machine acting up?" 

she says " no the machine is working at 100% no alerts or problems, why do you ask"

  i keep looking around and i see a park and i say " is it possible to open a portal in our own dimension?"  

theres a long pause and than she says "im not sure i guess yes anything is possible why do you ask whats going on there"

i say " this place looks identical to the park i have taken the boys to before, im going to take a reading, and look around. nows a good time to test drive that feature we were working on before the problem happened." 

"ok be safe and i will run the Perfect Shadow command right now, keep me informed" she types a command into the panel and the portal vanishes, and she looks at the monitors and says " Perfect Shadow is running and working, the portal is still active and stable but  the command has successfully made it invisible and no one will be able to see it or walk though it on accident

i walk around an everything looks so normal i seen alot of very little kids playing and having fun and i keep walking around and i pull out a machine i been using to test,and i start walking around as if i was on my phone and i get to part of the park and the machine starts going off i look and i put the glasses and and see traces of a portal force opening 

" Celeste i have a reading my glasses are picking up traces of the machine, can you confirm this is what we are looking for?" 

she says "let me scan it and tell you," i look at the reading and pictures of the traces and confirm that it did come from our portal " yes this is the machine so he could be somewhere in that world" 

ok good to know im going to look around and see if i can find him or more traces to give us a clue where he is"

i walk around and i i see a mall and i walk in there and i notice these small crystal like shards i have the glasses take a picture and say " celeste can you tell me what these are?" 

she pulls up the picture on the screen and says " computer decode the picture and process it for me" after a minute or two she looks at the report and says " its left from a person not from that world that has walked around there its undectiable to anyone with out thoes glasses or a special sensor, so that could be from him, see where they lead"  

i say " ok good to know i will look into where they go" i start to walk around the mall looking for more of the crystals as i get closer to the restroom and change area i see a big group of crystals in and around the change area, as i scan for them i see 2 moms walk into the change room with kids that looked like they were around the age of 12 and they are put on the change table and have their diapers changed like it was normal  and i keep looking around and notice almost all o of the kids had babyish clothes, diapers and pacis and everyone acts like its normal. i say to my self " what is this world what is going on"  i see some people in official looking outfits and scanners and they walk up to a family and scan their palms than they do something so bizzar to me the lady pulls the boys shorts down showing a diaper that was wet, than pulling the shorts back up and the officers walk away . i tap the earbud in my ear and say " make note officer looking people in this world maybe hostile or controlling keep distance, and find out the rules and laws of this world" 

i go back to the park and see though the glasses the portal and i walk though it.

that world is very diffrent, and i show her what i saw and i say this is the right world just we need to learn and we need to blend in better to find him.

celeste looks at me and says " i will start working on it and i will have the computer help also" 

i look at her and say "we are close i can feel it we found the right one, now we just need to find him and all this will be fixed" and i sit down in a chair and roll over to a computer and start working on it.

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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