Jules and Jules under the same roof

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( back to the diaper world)

its been a few weeks in this world and orion has settled in well and has been a good baby for this new family.

(orions pov)

i wake up laying in my crib hugging ruff ruff and by now i dont even notice my full diaper, i just lay there with my paci hugging waiting for mommy to come in, after a few mins the door opens and i see mommy come in and say " good morning babies" she grabs lucas and lays him on the change table and changes his diaper and puts a new one on him than puts him back in his crib in just a diaper and his paci. than she comes to me and picks me up and lays me on the change table and takes off my pj than undoes the tapes and takes the diaper off and cleans me up, and i just lay there playing with ruff ruff like i been doing every day now i grown super attached to ruff ruff that i bring him with me everywhere i go. mommy lifts my legs and keeps cleaning than takes out a new diaper and opens it up and lays me on it than takes the baby powder out and puts some on me and pulls the diaper up and in place than tapes it in place.

than she picks up lucas and carries us downstairs and puts us in our highchairs to be feed our baby food breakfest, and than into our playpen for a few hours.

after a few hours mommy comes to me and picks me up and says im sorry to do this but its part of the new rules so lets just get this over with, and lays me over her knees and spanks my diaper 15 times, than gives me a hug and puts me back in the playpen checks lucas diaper than goes to the kitchen and makes 2 bottles of formula and brings them to us and gives them to us to drink.

after hours of playing in our playpen, we are put in our highchairs our bibs put on and we are feed our baby food for lunch and i do the only thing i do now is think and today i think about how much i love this life now and being babied n wearing diapers and not have to worry about school but i do still miss my mommy and my brothers. after being feed lunch our diapers are checked and changed if needed and we are put in our cribs for our nap, i suck on my paci hugging ruff ruff and i fall alseep.

(anns pov)
i turn on the baby monitors so i can see my babies sleeping incase they need me, and i go to his study and ask william " hows it going? made any progress with getting him home?"  William looks at me and says " a little but not enough to try anything, oh the adoption for a jules thorne the boy that has the same name he will arrive here later today to live with us. i also ordered a crib and stuff for him." i say " ok thats nice"  i go back to the living room and tap a screen on the coffee table and 6 big tvs lower down from the ceiling  and 4  of them line up to make a large tv that i put one of my shows on on the 2 tvs on either side of the big set of 4 on the left side is the camera of our front yard, and the tv on the right has the baby monitor cam so i can keep and eye on the babies  after about and hour i see movement at the front yard and i see someone unloading a package with a blue and blake shirt that says congo on it and they leave them near our door and walk off, i go to the door and bring the box in, and take out 2 small boxes one that says westwood baby crib, and than takes out a box that says evenflow eat and grow highchair. i open the highchair box and take the little capsule walk over to the table where the other highchairs are i click the top of it and lay it on the floor, the capsule pops open and the highchair sits there fully assembled and ready to use. I take the other one and go to our room and do the same thing with this one and the westwood crib pops out and fully set up, i take a sheet and pillow and i set up the crib for when jules arrives, than i go to the closet in the leos room and i open a box of size 2 diapers and i take out a stack of them and bring them to our room and i put them on the change table here. after that i go and sit down and watch my show a little more, after a bit more time i see a car park and i see James get out  

i tap a button and say " our new boy is here" william come up and answers the door

his friend is standing there holding a 2 year old jules thorne in just a diaper and onesie, with a paci in, first words he says is " sorry it took longer than a few hours i had to track down jules after i put the documents in that you adopted him, he was in whitebridge, Absaroka so i had to go there and pick him up from the adoption center there."  William nods and says " thats fine as long as hes safe and healthy here with us thank you for everything" James enters the house and hands jules over to me and i hug him and rock him and say im going to but this baby in his crib for a bit, i get to our room and i check his diaper and hes dry, so i lay him in his crib with a blanket and i turn the mobile on and i turn the light off and i go check on orion, and lucas and i get them up and changed and and bring them the their playpen and turn the channel to toddler shows for them as the grown ups talk in a different room.

(im sorry for the sudden and odd ending to this chapter, i been fighting stuff in my head and been feeling down and other problems and its been hard to write, so im doing my best and i am going to keep writting both of the stores just the updates might not be as quick as i did when i started writting them thank you for your support and reading my stories it means the world to me)

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