32 - Brother

740 35 26

A/n : Hi! It's been awhile (again) but I regret to inform you that I probably don't have time to write. I'm a university studying med LMAO I'm dying :")



I was surprised.

Of course I was, who could've thought a prince would be out here during a really important ball full of people he needed to impress?

Nothing really happened after that. I was forced to go back and monitored for the whole night- what's left of the night- by Cal's piercing eyes.

During the walk back to my room, Cal said nothing. By the time we reached the door, I had expected him to leave or say something snarky but he just stood there.

I waved my hand in front of his face.



He didn't say anything. He continued to look at me and I could almost feel the guilt rising up in me-

"I'm sorry, okay? I wasn't going to agree to leaving. I thought about it but I wouldn't just leave you alone like that."





He sighed.

"I thought you would leave. Then I would be alone again."

He kept looking at me with that look, it's a little bit burdensome. I think I prefer his teasing looks better than this.

I don't know what to say.

A hand reaches out to pat my head, "Just.. just remember I'm here, okay?"

And I feel myself stiffen.

I don't belong here.

I have a life outside of this fantasy world.

I don't know how to go back, but I know that is where home is. Even if you are important to me.

Too serious.

Ah. AAAH. I can feel myself screaming -silently, of course- as the sounds of his footsteps get farther away from me.

I really hate this. I don't owe him anything, I remembered to stay a dumb little sister who wants nothing. I'm sure I haven't done anything to make him suspicious of me. And I'm pretty sure I cherish him like a brother.

Does he just really like his sister?



It's the morning after, and although my head is hurting like someone slammed it with a baseball bat in a zombie movie, my bad mood is because if something else.

"Come in, Mercia."

The king said, and the knights hurry to open the door for me.

I could see all my siblings inside already, including Cal who was not looking at me and Ricky who can't seem to stop staring. I feel like he wants to shove a sword into me.


"Greetings, your highness."

"Don't be so stiff, today is a special day. Come closer."

Although I don't like this fraudster looking king who calls himself my father, I don't have the guts to go against him and his 20-something knights surrounding us.

Nor do I really have any reason to go against him.

I walk towards him and I realize that Bianca is also staring at me. The look in her eyes is priceless.

Does she hate me? I don't even know the special occasion, haha. Will it be about that scepter thingy she was so worried about?

Ah shoot

There infact is a scepter thingy on a velvet red cloth inside a box Infront of me.

"Mercia, from today onwards you will be the holder of the scepter. You will weild it with responsibility and pride of a royal and will follow my command when needed."


"Rejoice, Mercia. You are now worthy enough to train your powers. The scepter is locked, but I believe you have the power to reveal its true potential."



I don't think I've shown anything really????

"Thanks to Callian, I am giving you this opportunity to test your worthiness. Do not disappoint me."




Admits the urging eyes of the spectators (yes there are a bunch of old men in fact clothing around us), and the scorching gazes or Ricky and Bianca, my hand reaches into the box to take a hold of the scepter.

It's cold.


Is this it?


I hurried to drop it.

What.. what was that?

"What are you doing? Hurry and accept the scepter."

I nod to the king, take the scepter, walk all the way back to my room and sat down.


It's quiet again..

Was that just my imagination?

I could've sworn I heard the scepter speak when I touched it.



A/n : Also, I've been meaning to do this since aloooong time ago but because I've been on hiatus so much I couldn't do it lmao. Interactive story, if gou comment on the [....] then your comments will appear and change the story (the ending will not change lmao, just the little bits). Y'all be the talking scepter ^^ hehe, we can't have her going on without a golden thumb

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