Chapter 9 - Have to move on

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True to his words, the bratty older sibling came home with a few handsomely dashing young men. However I still don't understand the point of doing so. Was Cal set on the notion that more men would help piece my broken heart?

Now, let's just say I did have a broken heart, how would Cal, this young one understand how to remedy that? Why couldn't he have given me candy since I am - quite literally - a child?

And don't even get me started on how weird my siblings are. Bianca, in this weird scheme of things is also a big factor that bothers my very being. Despite clearly brings. Child, she has somehow gotten all the little boys hooked on her beauty! She's like a little vixen!! And the worst part is she probably doesn't even know it!

You protagonists, can't you share some of the good looking ones for the side characters? Look at what happened to the Blondie's fianceé last time. She was so mad! If Bianca could stay a distance away from boys that already have a fianceé, her oblivious nature wouldn't be a problem! I mean, what's so hard about social distancing?

Talk about another nuisance, he just has to add another injury to my wound by following Bianca everywhere, saying he was her 'protector knight'. No, no, not my heart injury that I obviously do not have, but on the gaping wound that is my dignity! This child keeps apologizing to me but is constantly wooing another lady! I might not like him, considering how young he is, but how can I let him trample on my dignity like this? Children need to be educated!

Better yet, Bianca has entered the stage and all eyes point straight towards her. Uncharacteristically, Cal also had his eyes pinned on her. Obviously, not int he same way other boys did but something about the going of mischief in them makes me anxious.

"Bianca, you need to get out. It's a guys only thing, a bonding of friendship. You understand, right?" (Cal)

"F-friendship? Then, why is Mercia allowed here?" (Bianca)

"I didn't hear about this friendship bonding either." (Tony)

"Come on, Bianca, you know why I can't let you in. You're too beautiful. If any of my friends saw you, they'd cause a fuss. I'm just trying to protect you." (Cal)

Blergh. What. The. Heck. Seeing someone splurt nonsense like that could be considered romantic but having a child do it makes it oh so icky. I told you he was acting really out of sorts with his character, he shouldn't be like thus towards Bianca. In fact, I don't think he is ever this considerate and kind and gentle to anyone else at all.

"And the reason why you didn't know is because I didn't invite you." (Cal)

In a split second, Tony's face seemed to scrunch up in displeasure. He looked at his friend who he definitely trusts with suspicion. 'What's going on?'

"Haha, you're kidding right? You must've forgotten." (Tony)

"No, I haven't. I'm just repaying you for giving me another way to judge a person by." (Cal)

Uh oh. What's going to happen? I hope it isn't something terribly bad. While thinking that, my lips unconsciously curve up and spread to welcome a grin. No, I'm not expecting the drama at all. I jolted myself awake and quickly tried to stop the fight.

"Cal, enough."

"Are you happy now?" (Cal)

"I was never sad. Quit being so silly, okay?"

"I'm defending your honour. It's not silly." (Cal)

Off to the side, the other handsome young men where starting to feel a little awkward and decided to smoothly pack up and go. I can only say, take me with you! I don't want to stay here any longer!

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