Chapter 1 - A different type of aristocracy

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"Who is that?" (Maid A)

"Shuuush. Don't talk to her, she's his majesty's illegitimate daughter, I heard that she just got found by the guards and they brought her here to live because her mother died." (Maid B)

"Poor thing, and how does her majesty react to her..?" (Maid A)

"Well, what do you think? A girl from your husband's one night stand suddenly shows up.." (Maid B)

"Haah.. let's just hope she doesn't get treated bad." (Maid A)

"Judging by the look of things, I think that she wouldn't survive for long." (Maid B)

I can hear you. Just because you're whispering doesn't mean that your gossip doesn't spread. In this life, I'm called as Mer or Merry, short for Mercia. I don't remember too much of my childhood, only that I've done things that aren't normal. Things like crawling by the age of three months, walking by four and talking fluently by the age of 2 years.

And now, by the age of five, my mother has died and my father, the king, has taken charge of me and that's why I'm being escorted by these maids to meet my father.

The kings in this place are a bit unique.... polygamy is accepted and to the women being married, they'll get a rank. The highest being the queen and the rest as second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth wives. The king's are limited to six wives, and my mother was none of them. What was told to me by mother was that father loved her but already has political marriages and engagements to six women.

I could tell that mother was cheated from then on. She was a very beautiful lady, no wonder the king got tempted but she died too early while still hoping to meet him. I don't understand why he brought me in, this man who clearly doesn't love me.

From the gossips of these useless maids, I knew that father has only married three of the six political engagements that he has and among those three, a potential queen had been chosen. The most favored and closest to the king as well as the one with the most children in the royal family, my aunt Patricia. She has twin sons and a daughter.

Then the two other aunts Clarina and Beatrice. These aunts both have sons, so that makes aunt Patricia's daughter the eldest daughter of the royal family. Imagine how the lady must've felt when she knew she had competition. So, what the maids were talking about weren't all that false.

"Miss Merry, it's just this way.. Don't forget to knock before coming in." (Maid A)


It wasn't a fun experience, I just hoped to be in a somewhat better financial status and here I am as a princess, albeit an unwanted one.

I knocked on the huge overly decorated door and waited for an answer. One, two, three minutes gone by and he hasn't answered me. Being a princess is like a dream come true!! A dream come true my ass. My naive little sister who didn't know that an actual princess's job isn't that easy could say that because she's not a princess. I'm not even a princess yet by title but just being fed all these rumors about what I'm about to face already tires me.

I sighed, and then knocked again. This time, harder. My little hand got red and a stinging feeling was felt after that and I winced in pain. I should've controlled how hard I knocked.

Thankfully, father opened the door and welcomed me in.

"Ah, you have arrived, Mercia. How was the trip here?" (Father)

He looked at me with a slight smile on his face, but I don't trust him. Let's not get carried away by the kingly aura and the handsome look of his, keep in mind that this man over here betrayed mother. Yep, he's bad. Do not trust him.


"I'll need to talk to you about your life from now on. Do you understand me..?" (Father)

"Yes, I understand you."

"Good child." (father)

It's hard to not get irritated when someone treats you like a child... well, I am a child right now, but I was a grown up 5 years ago......when I was still on Earth.....*cough*

Anyway, father told me to sit down next to him and I did, struggling a bit to climb up the sofa. Mmnngghhh... why can't I go on the sofa???? I'm trying so hard to get up there I'm probably looking really stupid..

"Do you need help? You seem to be struggling." (Father)

"Yes, please."

It hurts me to ask for help but this oversized expensive royal sofa can't be conquered on my own!!

"Why was I brought here?"

"I brought you to your family and I want you to know that I value you." (Father)

"I already have a family.."

"Your family has already left and put you into my safekeeping." (Father)

"Yes I know, mother passed, but I don't need a new family."

"Do you know what passed means? Your mother wouldn't be able to take care of you now. I'm willing to take you in and raise you." (Father)

I'm not a little kid who doesn't understand what being dead is y'know, I even died once. But something about the way he talks just doesn't feel like his conversation partner is his five year old daughter.

"Let's move on from that topic. Mercia, I'd like you to meet your siblings. You have four older brothers and an older sister. They're right next door waiting to meet you." (Father)


I don't really know what to say, towards this dad of mine that I haven't met ever until just yesterday when he barged into my old house and told me that he was my dad and today when suddenly he forced me to accept my 'new family'!!! *sigh*

Well, my older siblings wouldn't be that bad, right? They're just kids!

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