Outcast Intro:
What is the meaning of being an Outcast? It was simple, the answer to this question. Many would say:
"It's the feeling of not fitting within."
"The feeling of being different."
"Ugly, Dirty and Untouchable;"
"Being poor amid Rich."
All these answers are indeed accurate. They relate to being a type of Outcast. But, I would say:
"The moment where you disappear, the moment, in which, you lose yourself, the moment, in which, you loathe yourself, you become an Outcast to yourself."
Now, Hate was a strong word, and so was Love. I may or may not be correct. Yes, there was no correct answer to the question. But, my book, Outcast, doesn't show not fitting in, Rather, it shows the different mentalities of a 13-year-old. The difficulties one faces, A war of Reality and Imagination. The meaning may not always be straightforward, but that doesn't mean, you won't get the depth of the subject, A walking nightmare, Doesn't sound so bad, right? I thought so too, I didn't know. Nor did you, We learn something each day, Directly, or indirectly. Today, in this book, you will learn about Del, About Jung, About Areum, About Pain, Life, Death, And most of all, love, find, to hope.
Hold On, Pain Ends
"Above all else, embrace your flaws"- J. H. Hard
You will go through the short yet painful life story of Jung Abel Parker, His friend, His doctor, His father, His mother., Are you ready?
One, Two, Three, Begin!