Three: Eddie's biggest fan

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Now admittedly I didn't think I'd be here this soon. I didn't think I'd be so desperate to see the cute smiling face of that boy or hear the endless teasing that left his lips. But here I was. At his doorstep, fist poised to knock at his trailer door. Now you're probably wondering, 'Alice, why are you at Eddie Munson's house at eleven pm on a Wednesday night?' and to that I would answer, great question. Okay well.

Eve decided suddenly on the night after I attended Hellfire that if I wanted my shit I now had to go through Eddie. She insisted he is not, in fact, intimidating in the slightest and I still disagree but I don't think she notices the way his hair falls on his face or that his smile always reaches his eyes. Despite all my protesting here I was. I guess he'd be surprised, I was anxious to see what would happen when my knuckles met his door. How his eyes would meet mine and what questions I'd be asked.

I let my fist fall, just three short knocks and a glance down at my pale pink dress before the door was swinging open. I was met with the sight of Eddie in some faded band t shirt I could barely read the logo on and his usual pair of ripped skinny jeans. Oh how he could wear basically the same thing every day and still manage to look so god damn cool. I suppose I should mention I'm a bit of a hopeless romantic so it's not abnormal for me to fall so quickly but it is annoying nonetheless.

"Well well, just couldn't wait to get another look at me huh?" He smirked down at me with a chuckle as his arms crossed his chest as he leaned over to rest a shoulder against the doorframe.

"Well actually.. uh.." I wasn't sure how to tell him I was here for pot. I mean to be honest it was certainly less embarrassing than the fact that I did want to see him.

"No." He said in disbelief. "Allison Grey is here for drugs I thought you were too scared of me?"

"My name is Alice." I corrected him, looking him in the eyes and ignoring everything else he had said.

"Alright alright," he held up his hands in surrender. "Come on in Alice." Somehow the way Eddie had said my name sent a shiver down my spine and all I could do was pray he hadn't noticed.

"So," he waved his hand in a motion to suggest I should follow him so I complied. "What are you here for?"

"Don't be ridiculous." I mumbled as I stepped into his bedroom. I was kind of surprised he'd invite me in here already, his room was kind of cute, I mean I think in a way only I would really call cute but he had all sorts of things on his walls, posters, a cool looking guitar, handcuffs, wait. My eyes flew back to Eddie and luckily he wasn't looking at me. I slid my denim jacket off of my shoulders and rested it on the back of his desk chair.

"I don't, uh." I paused and took a bit of a breath to try and ease my stuttering. "I've never done more than weed so I mean."

Eddie laughed. "I was messing with you, we talked about this the other day."

"S-sorry." I looked down at my hands but through my peripheral I could see him shaking his head, still smiling.

"You know I've actually been hoping you'd join Hellfire for a while." His words surprised me and my eyes flew to meet his.

"Why?" I blurted out, what did Eddie see in me that made it seem like I'd be good for DnD?

"It probably seems stupid." He chuckled and glanced away for just a moment before meeting my eyes once again. "You probably don't even remember but, one day I was over at Henderson's, Eve wanted shit ya know, anyways you came in and stopped when you saw me, you kind of froze."

His gaze had fallen down to the floor as he spoke but now came back up to meet mine in the pause he took. "You looked scared," he laughed. "Anyways you sorta said hi and told me you liked my shirt."

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