Fifteen: the Hideout

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I found myself unsurprisingly giddy as I bounced on my heels outside the old and somewhat run down bar, waiting for my friends to follow me. It didn't take long as Dustin seemed as excited as I, though obviously with differing motivations.

I bit my lip as I stepped inside with everyone soon behind me, finding a table. I was far more interested in searching for the cute curly haired boy of my dreams as my eyes scanned the nearly empty establishment. I realised he'd likely be somewhere setting up or something along those lines as Dustin was ushering me to sit down with them. I sighed and took a seat that made it easy to see the stage as Everest smiled beside me at my obvious pining and desperation.

"Oh he just looks so lovely on a stage." I sighed with my chin falling to my palms as elbows rested upon the wooden table.

"He does look pretty cool." Everest's agreement seemed to strike a particular chord of jealousy in Steve as his eyes flew to her.

"He's not cool." Steve muttered and Dustin picked up defending Eddie before I could.

"Oh shut up Steve." His exasperated sigh had us feeling like he was the mom friend in the situation. "We've already talked about how you're just jealous that I'm making more older friends."

"That's not even- you're so-" Steve's irritated stuttering had Everest watching in amusement and me poorly hiding my giggles. "I'm just obviously cooler."

I rolled my eyes at his statement but by this point Corroded Coffin was taking the stage and my head flipped over to find Eddie's eyes already lingering on me. I sent him a soft smile before he turned away with a blush, tripping as he went to set up his guitar which caused Gareth to look at him funny and for me to laugh though I tried to quell it quickly.

After a while and a bunch of music Eve was avidly explaining to Steve, I smiled once I heard them start playing a song I actually recognised. Killer Queen, I quite enjoyed Queen actually but didn't really think they were Eddie's thing. I'd have to ask him about it once the show was over.  After a few more songs and some aimless small talk it was finally time to greet my darling boy.

"Hey pretty boy, didn't think Queen was really your style." I jogged up to him with a soft smile and he looked up at me as he stood up from packing his guitar into it's case.

"You said I should perform it." He seemed tentative, confused, as if I should remember.

"Did I?" My question had anxiety filling his eyes and I quickly worked to fix it. "That's so sweet Eds."

"D-did you not remember?" The fact that he had stuttered made me sad.

"I'm sorry darling," I paused with a sweet smile and soft look held to his anxious gaze. "I've got the memory of a goldfish, honestly it's super cute you did that for me."

I honestly felt quite bad that I couldn't remember, I thought I had asked him to play something but I wasn't sure what, I supposed I knew now though it was a bit too late.

"Oh Eds I knew I'd asked you to play something and I'm truly very sorry that-" He cut me off.

"It's fine." His soft smile reached his eyes and I was glad. "Just, didn't wanna freak you out sweetheart, that's all."

"Is that why you were worried?" I supposed I shouldn't be so blunt as I quickly began to speak again. "I wouldn't ever find you creepy."

" 'M glad." He mumbled softly as I felt Everest coming up next to me.

"Hey darling, you coming home with us or going with Eddie?" Her question had Eddie's eyes flicking from potentially greeting Eve to matching her curious expression that was trained on me.

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