Thirteen: Cookie dough

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"So when am I getting those cookies sweetheart?" The way he had totally disregarded my flirting had me instinctually moving my hand from sweetly caressing his cheek to swatting at his chest with exasperation and poorly hidden giggles.

"You're an ass Eddie." He grabbed my hand as I swatted him with a wide grin.

"You're the one who promised them doll." I rolled my eyes but also couldn't help the genuine grin that quickly hit my face.

"Alright my prince, let us go to the kitchen then." I got up and dramatically waved my arms towards the door with a curtsy.

"Am I meant to help?" He sprang from the bed and was quickly in my face with ever teasing eyes.

"F'course not, promised you cookies, wanted some nice eye candy to help pass the downtime." I matched his stance, leaning in so our faces were nearly touching and he chuckled lowly before hopping back onto his heels with a click of his tongue.

"Alright darling, if you're gonna sweet talk me." He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of my room, leaving the door open behind us as we descended towards the kitchen.

"I mean, if it keeps you around." I was sure I was flushing as my grin stayed ever wide on my cheeks that would surely be sore by the end of the day.

"You keep me around." He combatted.

"Can leave whenever you want."

"And why would I want to do that princess?" He turned as we slid into the kitchen with arms crossed and an ever amused smile plastered to his pretty lips.

"Dunno, might change your mind once your realise how crazy I am." I laughed but I meant it more than I'd like to admit.

"Could say the same." His chuckle seemed to hold as much weight as mine had and it was all I could do to not frown at this realisation.

I brushed off the thought as I made my way into the pantry to grab everything I needed for those delectable cookies Eddie wanted so badly.

"Sure you don't want help?" His kindness despite displaying he hadn't wanted to help in my room had me turning on my heel after discarding the baking supplies onto the counter.

"Pretty boy didn't wanna help." I muttered with a smirk and a chuckle and I felt like I was picking up a few things from the sarcastic boy.

"Was just messing with ya doll." He slid closer to me with a similar demeanour and I had definitely picked it up from him, I was more malleable than most I supposed.

"Oven at three-fifty please!" I chirped with a happy smile and he shook his head with an amused grin at my quick change.

After setting up the oven I had Eddie move aside, so I could search through the cabinet adjacent the oven for the correct cookie sheets. He had grabbed my waist as I bent down however, causing a gasp to escape my lips.

"Do you always have to wear such short skirts?" The way his voice strained caused my cheeks to flush as I stood back up slowly, two large pans in hand.

"Perhaps I do." I set the pans on the stovetop before momentarily debating if I should turn around at all.

"And, do tell, princess, why ever would that be?" The way his eyes were already searching mine as I spun towards him made me wish, once again, that I was bold enough to lean in and just start kissing him. It would certainly be an answer at any rate.

I settled for a giggle and well placed kiss to his cheek for fear that being more bold would cause him to flee once again. The last think I wanted was for Eddie to run from me again so I simply slid out of his grasp to begin beating the butter and sugar together.

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